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ich habe mich gerade als Editor beworben. Doch bei der Bestätigungsmail der Mail-Adresse kam eine Fehldermeldung zurück:


The original message was received at Thu, 27 Aug 2009 09:22:57 -0400

from fmmailgate04.web.de []





Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with its

delivery. The address which was undeliverable is listed in the section

labeled: "----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----".


The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the section

labeled: "----- Transcript of Session Follows -----".


The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your e-mail could

not be delivered. The next line contains a second error message which is a

general translation for other e-mail servers.


Please direct further questions regarding this message to your e-mail



--AOL Postmaster




----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


(reason: 550 5.7.1 <apply@dmoz.org>... Relaying denied)


----- Transcript of session follows -----

... while talking to editors.dmoz.org.:

>>> DATA

<<< 550 5.7.1 <apply@dmoz.org>... Relaying denied

550 5.1.1 <apply@dmoz.org>... User unknown

<<< 503 5.0.0 Need RCPT (recipient)


Was mache ich denn nun ?

  • RZ Admin
Wir brauchen auch die Betreff-Zeile. Danke. :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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