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It seems that it has been a long time since the Hebrew directory in DMOZ has been updated.

There are numerous of important/relevant web sites that have been around for years and yet to be added to the directory.

I have tried to post a few of them, but I haven't got any response and it has been over a year since I've sent my suggestions to the directory.


I hope anyone in this forum can shed some light on this issue.




You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.


Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


If you think this is a problem, why not become part of the solution by applying to be an editor in some Hebrew category of up to 100 listings?


Thanks for the reply.


I understand what you're saying, I just wish things could run a little more efficiently.


As for becoming an editor, I could try doing that, but as I was saying if no one is answering my site suggestions for years, what hopes will there be in getting any answer for becoming a site editor?

  • Meta
I just wish things could run a little more efficiently.


Ah, but there's always, mathematically speaking, a tradeoff between efficiency and queue length. Improved efficiency is achieved at the expense of maximum queue length, and perfect efficiency is achieved when queue length goes to infinity.


Which is not exactly what most site suggesters want.

Ah, but there's always, mathematically speaking, a tradeoff between efficiency and queue length. Improved efficiency is achieved at the expense of maximum queue length, and perfect efficiency is achieved when queue length goes to infinity.


Which is not exactly what most site suggesters want.


In other words you're saying, "we'll do whatever we want whenever we want". Fine, that's a great way to run a project..

Fine, that's a great way to run a project.


Yes, it absolutely is and I'm pleased to see that you've now got it :).


If you want a directory that operates on a commercial basis with a schedulable staff and defined response times, that's not us - but there are several others out there which might meet your needs.


Yeah you guys are right, I was way off. I mean really a year for a reply is nothing, 10 years is more reasonable for a random dmoz editor.


Thanks for all the help, have fun with your project.

  • Editall/Catmv
if no one is answering my site suggestions for years, what hopes will there be in getting any answer for becoming a site editor?
I'm afraid you are confusing two separate issues.

Applications from people wishing to become volunteer editors are reviewed by volunteers (as with all editing tasks), but are usually handled within a few weeks. Sometimes an application may wait a little longer, but there are none outstanding for more than a couple of months.

Having more volunteers means the directory grows and improves faster, so we are always keen to welcome people who understand and support the goals of the directory. :)


As for site suggestions, reviewing these is not a priority for volunteers, who have many other ways of building the directory, so it is entirely possible that a particular suggestion may await review for years, until a volunteer feels like looking at the pool of suggestions in that particular category.

FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor.


I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.

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