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I wanted to please make an addendum to my application as I

have just registered (yesterday) two new domain names for a

project of mine:


<URLs removed yet again. When a moderator removes them, do not put them back>


Could someone please make a note in my application?


opendir - 77709143db0fae2199f1f1abcdbd2b31

App name - sdiener



Thank you very much!






Site Affiliation Question


Quick question:


As a technology enthusiast and hopeful entrepreneur, I register domain names all the time and have mostly decided not to use them. I only maintain one website, and have either done nothing with those "extra" domain names, or dismantled projects that I had once started.


I have listed all 10+ or so in my application. While, my application is still being evaluated, I am curious - Would being affiliated with such an abundant number of inactive sites have any effect on the decision?


(I have read all of the material I could find on this affiliation question, and while I understand that webmasters are allowed to edit, I was unable to discern if this might be a factor.)


Sorry if this comes off as an odd or obvious question...


Thank you!



  • RZ Admin

I took the liberty of merging your threads...

Having thousands of inactive or parked domains as declared affiliations is not a problem. Forgetting some, accidentally or otherwise, could be.

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


Thousands of parked domains would be a really big problem, as it would mean I had a lot of failed ideas!


Thanks for merging the threads, and for your input.


Elper/JimNoble -- I sent you via PM another new blog affiliation. I am sure you get lots of PMs so I wanted to let you know it was there.


Thanks for your help guys.

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