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Guest easypub
I have just read the posting regarding "FYI - Submission Troubles ...", so I hope its appropriate to submit this request at this time. I have been trying to get listed under DMOZ for about 9 months. I was listed early last year as www.ez-pub.com But there was a lot of confusion because my business was named Compucraft, my domain was ez-pub and my work was printing wedding maps. So last year I changed my dba to Wedding Maps Company and my site to www.weddingmapscompany.com I've submitted my site several times but I just can't seem to get in. Can anyone check on this for me. Thank you!

Re: Status of my site submission


The forum called Site Submission Status would have been more appropriate.


We also require Clickable link to category(ies) in question.


(Makes our life easier)


The ODP is currently offline while the entire database is being copied; you'll need to be patient before anyone replies.


You can still go get those category names by browsing http://ch.dmoz.org/ though.




See also http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=3025

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