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To make Dmoz good you guys should receive more applications for categories rather than showing no space for editors, it will help in quality submissions which are in queue. I guess you guys wont accept any suggestions!!!

  • Meta
Nope, it's no good. I've tried and tried to work out what you're on about but I just don't get it.

Jim, nothing to worry. It is not you. Let me try if I can make any sense of it


To make Dmoz good

DMOZ is already good in what it wants to do. Ofcourse it can always better and that is why we are always open for suggestions.


> you guys should receive more applications for categories

We can not force people to apply to be an editor. As we are already receving all applications that are made I do not see how we could receive more.


> rather than showing no space for editors,

We will accept all that show that they are capable of writing a complete and honest application and that show that they have a decent understanding of DMOZ guidelines. Something everybody should be able to do. But that we know from experience that not everybody is willing to do.


> it will help in quality submissions which are in queue.

How will the number of editors improve the number of quality submissions of websites. I have no idea.


> I guess you guys wont accept any suggestions!!!

We accept 2 types of suggestions.

The first one are suggestions of websites that meet DMOZ guidelines.

The second one are suggestions how to improve teh way DMOZ operates.

Suggestions to make DMOZ into something we do not want it to be on the other had will not be accepted.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta

What you are saying still doesn't make any sense.


Editors can create categories and list sites within their permissions. If an editor finds a site but does not have editing permission where that site belongs, he/she can send that site over to be reviewed by an editor with permissions for that category.


And the account of any editor who does not perform an edit within 4 months is automatically changed to inactive, so there isn't a backlog of editors who are dead or sleeping. Editors who were inactive can apply for reinstatement at any time.

  • Meta

And to add to that.

The fact that a person is already listed as an editor for a category does not prevent other people from applying (and being accepted) for that same category.

Each category can have an unlimeted number of editors.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • 2 weeks later...

Each category can have an unlimeted number of editors.


Category can have unlimited number of editors? But when we apply it says this category is not recieving any more applications? only few niche categories still accepting applications.

  • Meta

There are some categories that do not accept new editors. These are either

- much to big, example http://www.dmoz.org/Arts/ with over 230,000 listed websites

- not intended to hold any listings but only references to other categories (the so called @links), example http://www.dmoz.org/Arts/Regional/

- much to complex for a new editor, you'll need experience and very good underrstanding of the guidelines, example http://www.dmoz.org/Games/Gambling/Poker/


Most categories are open for applications. Although we advise new editors not to apply for a category with more than 100 listings.


If I remember well there is a sentence in teh rejection email that is something like "the category is well represented or to broad".

First of all this is part of a list with possible reasons. It is part of the application process for the new editor to determine which (one or more, certainly not all) reasons apply to him and to solve them.

Secondly "well represented" does not mean "enough editors" but also "(almost) no other websites can be listed in this category".

And 3th (and most important) the sentence has an "or". Either the first part of the sentece OR the second aprt of the sentence. Many people seem to stop reading when they see the OR.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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