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I was denied editorship because I used my own url in the sample url section. I hadn't planned or prepared for becoming an editor. I saw a link while registering my site. Now that I have read the guidelines on writing descriptions can apply again?
  • Editall/Catmv
I was denied editorship because I used my own url in the sample url section.
That is very unlikely to be the only reason for being unsuccessful.

Please read the whole feedback you received, and use it to help you prepare a more successful application. :)

FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor.


I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.


Thanks everyone for the feedback.


This is the exact response I received:


Reviewer Comments:


Please suggest at least two sites other than your own, which are not already listed, and which meet ODP selection criteria, to show that you can easily build this category with worthwhile additions unrelated to you.




I wasn't really prepared to apply to be an editor with ODP. I saw a link that was asking for volunteers, and since I have almost 40 years of experience in my field and have been an editor for a trade magazine, I decided to apply. I would like to volunteer my time and expertise. I will probably apply again after reviewing more of the materiel provided.


Once again thanks, and if there are any other suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.

  • Editall/Catmv

There is a world of difference between

I was denied editorship because I used my own url in the sample url section.
and the actual response you received. ;)

As I'm sure you have now worked out, it is perfectly OK to include your own site as one of the suggestions. However, if you can't manage to find more than one other suitable site to add to the category, it's best to choose another category which you can build more easily.

Hope you are more successful next time. :)

FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor.


I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.


I am not clear on the rejection. The other 2 url's that added are companies with which I do business. When I filled out the application I did not realize they were already in the category, I have since gone back and looked, and they are already in the same category as mine. I used them because they are my vendors and I am familiar with them and they fit the category. I didn't know they were listed and I am sure the copy I wrote isn't the same as what is on their listing. Before I re-apply I would like to be clear on the reason for the rejection. Since I did add two other url's I had to infer that it was because I added my own. After reading your comments, I agree with you and I now wonder what exactly was the reason for the rejection.


Is there a saved copy of the application I can access? I would like to review it, my recall could be wrong.

I have to laugh a little, I forgot to add, because of what we do there are very few if any in the category that we would not be related to us in one or the other.

I just read this response from another thread in this category ... "This might surprise you, but we get a fair few applications from self-serving people." This would be human nature and I would have to agree with that statement.


I was applying my site and was also reading how the project was in desperate need of editors (considering in some cases it takes to years to review a listing, I would have to agree) and I was solicited to apply for editorship. I had no intention of applying to be an editor prior to the adding the listing. Having re-considered the issue, I have decided to not re-apply. I realize it would be very hard to be unbiased. My intentions were honorable, but human nature is human nature.


Thanks for the responses to my posts. Now I will wait and see if we get accepted into the project.


Thanks again!

I am not clear on the rejection. The other 2 url's that added are companies with which I do business. When I filled out the application I did not realize they were already in the category, I have since gone back and looked, and they are already in the same category as mine. I used them because they are my vendors and I am familiar with them and they fit the category. I didn't know they were listed and I am sure the copy I wrote isn't the same as what is on their listing. Before I re-apply I would like to be clear on the reason for the rejection. Since I did add two other url's I had to infer that it was because I added my own. After reading your comments, I agree with you and I now wonder what exactly was the reason for the rejection.


Is there a saved copy of the application I can access? I would like to review it, my recall could be wrong.


I'm a new editor within dmoz over the past few months, and I am not involved in reviewing applications to become an editor, but I can give you my perspective on submitting sites when applying to edit a category based on the submissions I have made and the categories I have been accepted to edit. First, make sure you propose sites that are not already listed in the category. You want to show that you are the type of person who would use their position to improve the quality of the directory, and the one of the few ways you have to demonstrate that on an editing application is to make sure your proposed sites are new editions to the category and that they are well described. Second, make sure the sites you promote are not all self-serving. If it appears in the application that you are all about just listing sites where you have a relationship then you are just demonstrating that yourI would say that it is important to list sites that are not already in the directory in the category where you are proposing they be added. Third, disclose your relationship with sites. Probably almost every editor has a relationship with websites listed in the directory - it is natural for folks that care enough to want to help with dmoz to also be involved in the web in other ways as well, and that is a good thing. And understand that a relationship with a site extends beyond owning the site. Contributing content to a site creates a relationship with it as does working for a company that owns a site. Having those relationships out in the open is part of the culture of dmoz, and being open about those relationships is critical both to the integrity of dmoz and to the culture of the folks that work to make it the great resource it is. Fourth, do a good job of explaining your interest in editing in the category where you have applied. This is your place to show that you have the knowledge and interest to make dmoz a better resource. Finally, don't give up to easily. It is rewarding to be an editor here in ways that you would probably never anticipate - at least that is what I have found to be the case. Good luck to you.



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