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Submission Status - www.Free-Tractor-Manuals.Com

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I submitted our site, www.free-tractor-manuals.com, on March 1st of this year and it has yet to be listed.


I submitted it to the category

Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Farm and Ranch Equipment: Tractors


and also to the category Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Farm and Ranch Equipment


Could you possibly tell me when it might be reviewed, or if I need to submit it again?


Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.


<img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Good news and bad news!!


First the bad, your submission of 1 March has been deleted from the Farm_and_Ranch_Equipment category!


The good news is that your submission of 12 April is waiting review in the "Tractor" category.


Please do not resubmit as it will most likely "overwrite" the one waiting.


Patience is a good thing! <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Feel free to ask again in 1-2 months.

  • 3 months later...

www.free-tractor-manuals.com submitted April 2003


Hoping someone can tell me if I need to resubmit or just keep waiting.

I submitted our site www.free-tractor-manuals.com in April of this year and still have not seen any results.

I submitted it to


and http://dmoz.org/Busness/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Farm_and_Ranch_Equipment/Tractors/

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you


Re: Submission Status - www.Free-Tractor-Manuals.C


Answering your question from your other thread :


Your two submissions in http://dmoz.org/Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Farm_and_Ranch_Equipment/ were deleted in favor of the one in the more specific category http://Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Farm_and_Ranch_Equipment/Tractors . Your submission in Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/ met the same fate.


The submission in Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Farm_and_Ranch_Equipment/Tractors is still awaiting review with fewer than 50 others. However, the overall area is a bit backlogged, so it may take some time before your site is reviewed. There is no need to resubmit in this category or any others. To save yourself some time and effort, I'd suggest waiting a couple of months before requesting a status update in this thread.

  • 4 weeks later...

Tractor site has changed focus while waiting


Hi all,


We have a site that is still waiting to be listed in ODP, (www.free-tractor-manuals.com). My problem is that our business has changed a bit since I submitted it (back in April, I think it was). We have added several different types of machinery and implements and do much more than just sell tractors. Is there anything I can do about changing the category and/or description for our site? Or should I just wait and see what the category editor does with our submission?


Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.


Re: Tractor site has changed focus while waiting


There is no absolutely correct answer for this, but since we know that an editor will visit your site in order to write the description, it is highly likely that they will make any changes that are appropriate.


If you site were already in the directory, then we would have you do an update request, but since it is sitting in the "pool," and has been for some time, I would be hesitant to have your resubmit since that would overwrite your old submission which could delay your possible listing if the editor chooses to edit by submission date (which the editor is not required or even encouraged to do).


Other editors might disagree with this advice. Hope it helps.

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Re: Tractor site has changed focus while waiting


In a case like this, you will save your own time, save waiting time, but won't inconvenience us editors by simply submitting to the category you think is now appropriate. Two submittals does not a spammer make (although the converse is certainly true.)


If you want to make sure we understand you're not pulling a fast one, simply put explanatory comments in brackets at the end of your submitted description: [O exalted editor, I seven times I abase myself at thy feet. Thy servant submitted to a different category, but whilst thou were meditating upon more weighty matters, thy servant's website has received new content and, although unworthy the least of your attentions, it may now might be less unsuitable here than in another category.]


You could also RESUBMIT to the first category, with a similar note [This site has now been submitted to category XXX, where I think it fits better. Please ignore this sibmittal.]


Note that will automatically REPLACE the original submittal, and the editor can just delete it without a review. Meanwhile the other editor knows why the site has whatever history it has, and shouldn't do anything precipitate.


(The grovel part is strictly optional -- and if not done very well probably shouldn't be done at all.) Actually, all of the above is optional -- our reviewer should notice the category misfit and send the submittal over to a better category for review. The only problem is that it waits in two category queues instead of one.


Whatever you do along those lines will probably save a bit of our time. Whatever you don't do, we'll make do without. Either way, there won't be any hard feelings or site penalties.

  • 2 months later...

Re: Submission Status - Free-Tractor-Manuals.Com


I would greatly appreciate an update on this submission.


URL: www.free-tractor-manuals.com


Category: Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Farm_and_Ranch_Equipment/Tractors


Thank you for your help.

  • 1 month later...
Your request is not being ignored, there is a behind the scenes conversation going on concerning it. Be patient. If you do not see a reply ina few days, bump the thread.
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you - but can't find it - www.Free-Tractor-Manuals.Com


Thank you taking the time to update me!! :)


About how long will it take the site to show up in the directory?

I couldn't seem to find it anywhere. Which category was decided on?


Thanks again for all of your help.


URL: http://www.Free-Tractor-Manuals.Com

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