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i have an adult site, and i can acces the adult forum section , to ask there .

I have a site <url removed> and i can not index it on dmoz, where i go wrong

I dont know what the rush is...I have tried for 4+ years to get my site listed..AND I know I was placing it in the correct category, they claim your chances are 4 times better if you list it in the correct place with a 31% approval rate...hummm..gotta wonder about that? I have a Vacation Rental or Guest House in Rincon Puerto Rico, there are sites that have been listed after mine, and they say do not add it multiple times...Well about every 6-9 months I re-post it just hoping someones working in Puerto Rico. A couple years back I finally got a hold of a editor, but not for Puerto Rico, and they explained it to me that it would take time...MAN O'MAN... I had 2 kids waiting around to get listed.... Seriously, I heard threw the grape vine that the person in charge of editing Puerto Rico had a guest house of some kind, and I thought he wanted to eliminate the competition.. But finally the editor I chatted with told me that there is nobody editing that section of Puerto Rico anymore: http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Caribbean/Puerto_Rico/Localities/Rincon/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/ or http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Caribbean/Puerto_Rico/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Vacation_Rentals/ ... So, what am I suppose to do now..It is not as if someone will email you back saying we received your request and is being reviewed or something like it... My site is a page rank 4 and is indexed very well, on Google and most of the other search engines, but I dont care much about that ... I just find it hard to get a hold of anyone in here that actually knows whats going on..can you tell me, IF there is an EDITOR for Rincon Puerto Rico Lodging and how can I get listed? Besides there is many outdated urls on that page.. get back to me..thanks <EMAIL REMOVED> And I wish I had time, I would do the editing myself...Hell, I do my part in Wikitravel for Puerto Rico, Rincon, and some outlying towns...If this was open source why couldn't anyone edit the page like Wiki, just make up the rules for the people that edits it like Wiki does...just a thought....

There are over 200 editors with universal permissions who can work in that category if they choose to do so. If nobody wants to edit a category for a long time, it remains unedited. That might seem harsh, but it's the nature of an all volunteer directory.


We aren't an open source project BTW: it's the use of our data that's open.


There are over 200 editors with universal permissions who can work in that category if they choose to do so. If nobody wants to edit a category for a long time, it remains unedited. That might seem harsh, but it's the nature of an all volunteer directory.


We aren't an open source project BTW: it's the use of our data that's open.


Well that I guess is good to know..(over 200 editors), guess that is the reality of it, thank you for being honest..

  • Editall
Also reposting it every 6-9 months isn't helping either as it just keeps reseting the submission date, potentially adding yo the lenght of time it may take should a editor choose to edit based on the date submitted.

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.


Also reposting it every 6-9 months isn't helping either as it just keeps reseting the submission date, potentially adding yo the lenght of time it may take should a editor choose to edit based on the date submitted.


I dont know if that is true..But, if it is...who knew about that? not me.. I never knew that they would hang onto a submission for a lengthy period of time (years), I would think submissions would have a expiration date....The first time I submitted it I forgot about it for a year or so, than submitted it again..and I guess I have submitted it about 4 times over the years..Well I guess I'm gonna have to wait another year or so..


From our Suggestion Guidelines (which you acknowledged you'd read and agreed on each occasion). My bolding.

Procedure After Your Site is Submitted


An ODP editor will review your submission to determine whether to include it in the directory. Depending on factors such as the volume of submissions to the particular category, it may take several weeks or more before your submission is reviewed. Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites. Disguising your submission and submitting the same URL more than once is not permitted.


The replacement policy has two advantages for editors and website owners alike.

1. It permits website owners to make changes to an unprocessed suggestion.

2. It helps to prevents spam from clogging the suggestion pools. (Just as anywhere else, spam wastes time and resources - thus increasing response times for everybody)

So, since I have submitted my site 3or4 times over the 4 years, I might be riding a dead horse you mean.. I might have put myself at risk of exclusion and/or deletion of my site. I hope not..But, even you know being an administer a year is a long time to wait dont you think..
  • Meta

So, since I have submitted my site 3or4 times over the 4 years, I might be riding a dead horse you mean.. I might have put myself at risk of exclusion and/or deletion of my site. I hope not.

3 or 4 suggestions will not result in exclusion or deletion.

But chances are high that time between first suggestion and review have increased as a result of your own actions.


But, even you know being an administer a year is a long time to wait dont you think..

No, we don't.

DMOZ is not a listing service. We only use the pool of suggested websites as one of many sources to find websites to inlcude in the directory. People who have never suggested their website and maybe do not even know of the existence of DMOZ will also have their websites included. Why is time between suggestion and inclusion important when most sites we include are never suggested. So for us the idea of "wait time" has no meaning.





I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


3 or 4 suggestions will not result in exclusion or deletion.

But chances are high that time between first suggestion and review have increased as a result of your own actions.



No, we don't.

DMOZ is not a listing service. We only use the pool of suggested websites as one of many sources to find websites to inlcude in the directory. People who have never suggested their website and maybe do not even know of the existence of DMOZ will also have their websites included. Why is time between suggestion and inclusion important when most sites we include are never suggested. So for us the idea of "wait time" has no meaning.



Well I guess that is good news that my site might not be on the chopping block for deletion...But what you said in the last comment "People who have never suggested their website and maybe do not even know of the existence of DMOZ will also have their websites included" That means some people that dont even suggest a/their site, none the less might find themselves listed.. And I kinda understand what you mean about wait time...A suggested web site is only one part of the resources that take a site to be included (there are other factors that an editor would look for). So "WAIT TIME" which has no meaning, For someone working behind the scenes for DMOZ.. And "WAIT TIME" for a site owner to get listed means, I guess waiting for an editor, to Edit the part of DMOZ where he/she wants to be listed.


jimnoble said:

There are over 200 editors with universal permissions who can work in that category if they choose to do so. If nobody wants to edit a category for a long time, it remains unedited. That might seem harsh, but it's the nature of an all volunteer directory.


With only 200 editors and many many categories on DOMZ, it will take time..If they chose to do so...I guess its like that commercial for that rotisserie chicken.. You Set It and Forget It.. We will see what happens..and I am sorry to offend or make people upset here..I just wanted to vent a bit I guess, and would like to thank everyone for there time...

  • Meta

But what you said in the last comment "People who have never suggested their website and maybe do not even know of the existence of DMOZ will also have their websites included" That means some people that dont even suggest a/their site, none the less might find themselves listed..

Correct. That is because being an editor with DMOZ is not about listing websites but about building categories with usefull websites. I personaly find it more rewarding to spend time finding websites to list for a subject that is not well develeoped than to list the 101th website about another subject.


That is why I use resources like search engines but also local newspapers, advertisements I see on shopwindows, magazines about a specific subject. They can all give me some good sites to list. Often they are much better resources for new websites than the pool of suggested websites.


jimnoble said:

There are over 200 editors with universal permissions who can work in that category if they choose to do so. If nobody wants to edit a category for a long time, it remains unedited. That might seem harsh, but it's the nature of an all volunteer directory.


With only 200 editors and many many categories on DOMZ,

That is not what jimnoble said.

200 editor with UNIVERSAL permissions

there are also editors with limited access (one or a few categories) - how many there are at this moment is something I don't know.





I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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