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Status - http://www.healthcarematch.com

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Guest sidewinderd

Submitted site last year.


Health: Medicine: Employment: Job Search

Guest sidewinderd

HealthcareMatch.com is a standalone job board.


PracticeMatch, inc. does own HealthcareMatch and there's a link to HealthcareMatch from PracticeMatch.


Does linking violate DMOZ rules?


By the way, PracticeMatch.com isn't listed.


No, linking does not violate any rules - you can do whatever you like with your sites.


However, the message here is that the only URL that may qualify for a listing in the ODP is www.practicematch.com


Now, part of the problem has been that there are so many of your URLS that have been submitted (like http://www.HealthcareMatch.com/) that editors have become confused as to which is the main site, and thusly NONE have ended up being listed.


If you feel that www.PracticeMatch.com is the main site for your business, then please resubmit that to the ONE category where you think it best fits, with a note in the description that this is the main site for your business. It won't guarantee you a listing, but it's the best possibility, as I see it.



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