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Categories without editors

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Guest Noodles



I was wondering if it was worth submitting sites to categories without editors, do these categories get updated?




There are no categories without editors. Any category can be edited by the editors named in all higher level categories that include it, as well as by quite a few editors with access to most of the directory.


Please submit to the most appropriate category for the site, regardless of whether there's an editor listed there or not. Doing otherwise will slow the listing down, not speed it up. It will first have to be moved to the correct category, then it will likely endure a second wait to be listed.

Guest Noodles
Thanks for your reply <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Guest ravisimpi
Does a site submitted in the category which dont have an editor at the chid level take more time than the site submitted at its parent level which have an editor?

Umm, no, every category has about an equal chance of someone visiting it, and about an equal chance of the visitor actually doing something while there. Some categories are not so appealing for some people to edit, but then again there are other editors who like tackling the dirty jobs.


Submit to the *one* best category. Pay no attention to whether you perceive that category to be regularly edited or not, or have a listed editor or not.


To add to what giz says, it often works exactly the opposite way around - a site submitted to a higher-level category usually gets move down into tthe correct category where it sits along with the rest. Therefore, it's conceivable that a site which was submitted to the correct category to start with would get reviewed by a passing editor, while one in a category above it would be missed on that pass through.


This is why we tell people to submit to the one best category for their site - it's not because of some perverse pleasure on our parts - it's so that it saves us work, and the submitter some time to get listed. :)


What they all said.


Bury your site, to the lowest tier you can fit into.

Consider each word of the full path of the deepest category being an advantage and potential additional keywords that YOU can't put in your HTML.


Write a good title and description without repeating the title or path. The real title of the site.

Describe the site and perhaps some of the features of your site. No keywords or hype.



Widget World

Manufactures both standard and custom designs. Company history, contact information, newsletter, product gallery and links.


I am a lazy editor.


If I happen to see a good title and description there are three things that come to mind.

1) Wow, someone read the information before they pressed submit!

2) Cool, less work for me!!!

3) Publish.

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