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Add your site to thousands of times, but the editor did not respond. It's been one year. Editor's dead?


If that number's true, you've been suggesting your site around three times a day for the last year - each time agreeing to our T&C which require that you suggest it only once. It's pretty certain that you've triggered our spam detectors.


We treat spammers the same way that you treat spammers :).


If that number's true, you've been suggesting your site around three times a day for the last year - each time agreeing to our T&C which require that you suggest it only once. It's pretty certain that you've triggered our spam detectors.


We treat spammers the same way that you treat spammers :).


I sent the site to the directory. One year has passed. Then I started to write more often.


how long I wait 10 years? )))


thanks for the reply

  • Meta

There is no wait needed at all.


You suggested a website. That is all you need to do and also all you can do.

Once a suggestion has been made it will never disappear from the DMOZ system.

Somewhen in the future an editor will look at the suggestion and decide if it is a website DMOZ wants to list.

When that will be is something nobody knwos. Could be in a few days but also over several years, and everything in between.

As there is nothing you can do to influence this process I see no reason to actively wait for the outcome.

Better start doing some other things.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


There is no wait needed at all.


You suggested a website. That is all you need to do and also all you can do.

Once a suggestion has been made it will never disappear from the DMOZ system.

Somewhen in the future an editor will look at the suggestion and decide if it is a website DMOZ wants to list.

When that will be is something nobody knwos. Could be in a few days but also over several years, and everything in between.

As there is nothing you can do to influence this process I see no reason to actively wait for the outcome.

Better start doing some other things.


I think that our editors simply have their own interests. And there are reasons.

  • Meta

I think that our editors simply have their own interests. And there are reasons.



First of all there is not something as "our editors".

Each editor is allowed to edit in 1 or more categories. There are even some 200+ editors that can edit in all categories.

But the important point is "can edit" and "will edit" are two completely different things in DMOZ.

No editor is forced to do specific work or to work in specfic categories.

They each decide for themself what to do in which categories and when they will do it.

The only thing we ask is that when they do something they follow the guidelines.


Ofcourse each editor had his own interest. I for instance will only edit in categories for which I have an interest.

I guess this is not what you meant. If you have prove that some editor acts in violation to the DMOZ guidelines please make an abuse report on DMOZ. Senior editors will look at such reports. Not reviewing websites is not an abuse as we do not force editors to review suggested websites. If you have no prove you better not make accusations like the one you did in your post.



I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


First of all there is not something as "our editors".

Each editor is allowed to edit in 1 or more categories. There are even some 200+ editors that can edit in all categories.

But the important point is "can edit" and "will edit" are two completely different things in DMOZ.

No editor is forced to do specific work or to work in specfic categories.

They each decide for themself what to do in which categories and when they will do it.

The only thing we ask is that when they do something they follow the guidelines.


Ofcourse each editor had his own interest. I for instance will only edit in categories for which I have an interest.

I guess this is not what you meant. If you have prove that some editor acts in violation to the DMOZ guidelines please make an abuse report on DMOZ. Senior editors will look at such reports. Not reviewing websites is not an abuse as we do not force editors to review suggested websites. If you have no prove you better not make accusations like the one you did in your post.


how can I show, you the same caste of untouchables)))



34. dmoz.org / referral

35. editors.dmoz.org / referral


link from Google analistik http://dmoz.org/edit...unrev/editapply


Statistics Google analistik


Editor came and looked, some time ago

  • Meta

maybe it was just a tool checking the existence of suggested websites

maybe it was a tool or editor cleaning up your suggestions, "thousands of times" as you wrote yourself

as jimnoble already hinted in his first posting "like most humans we do not like spammers"

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta
how can I show, you the same caste of untouchables


I'm missing the point: there's apparently a connotation here that doesn't cross cultural boundaries.


But here's the point: What is it you have to show? The website. Have you shown the website? Yes. Has an editor seen the website? Yes, you think. So what else is there to show?


I'm missing the point: there's apparently a connotation here that doesn't cross cultural boundaries.


But here's the point: What is it you have to show? The website. Have you shown the website? Yes. Has an editor seen the website? Yes, you think. So what else is there to show?


there is no reason not to post my site, it is not worse then others


there is no reason not to post my site

If what you told us at the start of the thread about making 1000 listing suggestions is true, yes there is.


If what you told us at the start of the thread about making 1000 listing suggestions is true, yes there is.



it was then. The first time I posted in 2008, once


I want to draw your attention to this section. that's all.


First of all there is not something as "our editors".

Each editor is allowed to edit in 1 or more categories. There are even some 200+ editors that can edit in all categories.

But the important point is "can edit" and "will edit" are two completely different things in DMOZ.

No editor is forced to do specific work or to work in specfic categories.

They each decide for themself what to do in which categories and when they will do it.

The only thing we ask is that when they do something they follow the guidelines.


Ofcourse each editor had his own interest. I for instance will only edit in categories for which I have an interest.

I guess this is not what you meant. If you have prove that some editor acts in violation to the DMOZ guidelines please make an abuse report on DMOZ. Senior editors will look at such reports. Not reviewing websites is not an abuse as we do not force editors to review suggested websites. If you have no prove you better not make accusations like the one you did in your post.


My main concern has been either a lack of an editor or an editor that is not paying attention to their section. I have listed a site nearly 3 years ago. There are only 8 listings in the section and they have not changed in 3 years. My site meets all requirements for approval yet there is 1 of the 8 listings which mirrors to the same parent company. In this day and age it is very easy to do considering international issues of corporate ownership. This seems to me to be a bit unfair or at least a lack of concern on the part of the editor in charge of the section in question. My site has paid strict attention to DMOZ guidelines and I support them completely. Yet I find it hard to support something that seems to contradict itself nor police itself. I have tried to notify someone via an abuse report but got no response...at least not last year...I guess I should just wait a few more years. Seems a bit pointless now.

  • RZ Admin
yet there is 1 of the 8 listings which mirrors to the same parent company.

This would normally be a mistake, and something to report in the Quality Control thread...


elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


One thing you must ask yourself is


¿Is my site relevant to others?


I mean, I'm not a editor here, but I heard people saying "man, you gotta see my site its great, I did everything".... and all they got is a myspace/hi5/blog account... And even thought your information might be relevant to your friends and relatives, it's not to all the world.


What I've seen is that the list is relevant, this is no googlebot listing thing.



PS... After reading this I remmemberd the Do you feel lucky quote. jajaja. but that was not the intention

  • Meta

I am an editor, and arielalexco asks the right question. Obviously, you can't discuss most specific details of the website, but ... well, you know that U.S.Army recruiting advertisement that shows job applicants trying to think of something to say about themselves that an employer would care about? For instance, one says "I'm monolingual..." (whereas, presumably, after an army tour, you could say "I could kill you eighteen different ways if you don't hire me...eleven of them are very painful.")


Well, most of the webmasters talking about their websites sound like the pre-army interviewee. "it's quality ... it's no worse than some other website ... I spent xxx hours on it ... the HTML validates ... we're expert FrontPage users (the last two, obviously, not from the same people) ..."


I've read hundreds or thousands of those self-descriptions. I can count on my fingers (make that--on my THUMBS) the number of times I've seen a self-description that communicated the idea "this website might have something worth seeing--you should drop everything and review it."


And both times I saw such a self-description, the site was already listed.


That's the reality. Interesting, isn't it?

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