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I'm having an interesting problem. The form I used to request my reinstatement–when I hit the 'submit' button all it did was refresh the page. I wasn't sure if it went through so I e-mailed Jim and he said there is no pending app. Maybe it's because I am on a Mac? I tried in Firefox and Safari. I can try on a PC tonight, but I'm wondering if anyone else experienced similar issues.

I advised you as follows

I can't reinstate your account directly; we need an application. Please

visit http://www.dmoz.org/reinstate.html and follow instructions.


I'm not always available. Any problems, visit

http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showforum=10 and start a new

thread. Be sure to include the actual text of any error messages. Somebody

will be able to respond and it helps to have the whole story in one place.

Did you do that?


OK, I was confused by your first post which said you contacted me after you had the problem.


At http://www.dmoz.org/reinstate.html, you were asked for your username, password and email address.


Did you enter the email address that you used to contact me or the one that you told our servers when you were an editor (they're different)?


If the former, I'd have expected you to get an error message.

If the latter I'd have expected you to be invited to change your password.


You're reporting that you got neither of those responses - which is puzzling.


I've changed your email of record to the gmail email that you used to contact me.

I've asked our system to send you a PW reminder to there.


Please visit http://www.dmoz.org/reinstate.html yet again and enter those details. Then come back here and report exactly what happens.


OK, I was confused by your first post which said you contacted me after you had the problem.

Last night I filled out the re-instate form and it didn't work so you e-mailed me this morning. The e-mail instructed me to use the re-instate form, so I tried it again this morning. Same thing.


At http://www.dmoz.org/reinstate.html, you were asked for your username, password and email address.


Did you enter the email address that you used to contact me or the one that you told our servers when you were an editor (they're different)?


I combed through my e-mail archives and found my editor acceptance letter. This is the e-mail address I provided


If the former, I'd have expected you to get an error message.

If the latter I'd have expected you to be invited to change your password.


You're reporting that you got neither of those responses - which is puzzling.


I agree. I expected a message, but instead the page refreshed and cleared the form as if I had hit F5.


I've changed your email of record to the gmail email that you used to contact me.

I've asked our system to send you a PW reminder to there.


Please visit http://www.dmoz.org/reinstate.html yet again and enter those details. Then come back here and report exactly what happens.


I reset my password, filled out the reinstate form, and this time it worked. Reinstate Application Received was the confirmation message. Thanks! I assume the problem was that I provided a non-matching e-mail?

I assume the problem was that I provided a non-matching e-mail?

Who knows?


However, I'm a pragmatist and just happy that the hurdle has been overcome.


Who knows?


However, I'm a pragmatist and just happy that the hurdle has been overcome.


Me too. The only reason I ask is because if that was the reason, maybe it would be worth reporting a bug. That way the next unfortunate soul would get an error message saying, "The e-mail you provided does not match our records."


Then again, I may be the only one foolish enough to forget my registered e-mail address. :rolleyes: Anyhow, I look forward to the reinstatement of my editor account. Thanks again!


They usually get a message saying that their credentials don't match ODP's records (I don't have the exact text).


AOL's systems engineers are extremely busy at the moment fixing bugs in the new DMOZ 2.0 back end software and there isn't really enough clear evidence to divert them into looking at whatever happened to you.

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