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i am having the problem of "User needs an email address verification before the user can login."


my user name is jitinkumar2008


please if any one can tell about this and i have forgotten in which category i have applied


i would really appreciate jimnoble for his continued support thanks sir.


You can't log in as an editor because you don't yet have an editor account here.


There's an application by jitinkumar2008 for World/Hindi/क्षेत्रीय/एशिया/भारत/मिज़ोरम awaiting evaluation which might be yours.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Jim sir i really wants to say 1 thing from my heart is that dmoz is alive just because of person just like you...i also wants to be a active contributor to dmoz...


and i also wants to say that when i submit my application i gets reply that one of your application is already in evaluation and all the other application are rejected. the problem is that i have to submit multiple application because i gets no answer of my application this time i wants you to analyze my application and tell me the shortcomings of that if any.


My email id is <email removed for your own protection> and i forgot my editor name

i have to submit multiple application

No you don't. Just be patient.


Editors are only allowed to have one editor account and so making multiple applications is a bad idea.


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please tell me that is their any of my application pending for review because i really don't remember what i probabally remembers is that my email address with which i have applied is jitinkumar20088@gmail.com...and can you remove all my current application and apply freshly.

All of your applications were already declined and you may apply again.


I recommend that you first read the advice you've been sent and take a look at this good advice.


Before making further enquiries here, be sure to read Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING. They tell you the mandatory information we need to process your enquiry and also when you can enquire. Keep a record so that you can help us to help you.

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