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We don't have a forum offering submission status reports. We tried it years ago and it wasn't a success on any level.


If your website is listable (self check), we'll list it in time. If it isn't, we won't :)


We don't have a forum offering submission status reports. We tried it years ago and it wasn't a success on any level.


If your website is listable (self check), we'll list it in time. If it isn't, we won't :)


Mr. Noble with all due respect, hobby or not, how can you ignore the plea's for some sort of way to check the status of one's submission? "We tried it years ago and it wasn't a success on any level", so does that mean you give up? You can I am sure come up with a million and one excuses not to do it, but you have millions of folks here who have requested this bare minimum of functionality. You have been entrenched in many debates here and on other forums and rather then embrace the idea of assembling some resources to get it done, you have only come across as very arrogant. Surely that is not your intent however it is the perception of most. As it may be a challenge to get this functionality, as a hobbyist, why wouldn't you want to rise to the occasion?


I sincerely hope that you take what I have said into consideration and before you reply remember that I would only like to see an improved system in place and my intent is not to bust your balls.

so does that mean you give up?

Nope, we applied some logic that showed that status checks are pointless.


A listing suggestion can have 3 possible states.


- Accepted - nothing for you to do.

- Awaiting review - nothing for you to do.

- Declined as unlistable - nothing for you to do.


Unlistable websites are generally so because:


- They're broken - the owner already knows this.

- They're heavily under construction - the owner already knows this.

- They have an unacceptable business model - generally not much can be done about that.


We don't decline misplaced listing suggestions; we move them.

We don't decline listing suggestions with crappy titles or descriptions; we fix them.

We don't decline ugly sites.


So there's the logic as to why status checks are pointless.


They do, however, have downsides:


- They consume editorial effort.

- If the owner of an unlistable website knows it's been declined, he'll immediately re-suggest it - probably to several other categories, thus consuming even more of our editorial resources.

- They provoke arguments


We've discussed this topic innumerable times and our conclusions are unlikely to change any time soon. That's not 'giving up', it's conserving our resources for use on our main focus - building a directory. (I could have evaluated a dozen websites in the time it's taken to write this - for the umpteenth time)

  • 2 weeks later...

I feel your pain. I've waited over 6 years for my site to get listed and tried about 3 times. I've never received a reply back. I guess it's just too much to ask for a response, even if it has to be a canned robot, saying it's been declined and to try again. I'm left totally clueless why my site has not been listed and I've read the guidelines multiple times. The business model of DMOZ seems to be to deny people access to their status in effort to make them forget about trying to submit again. At least if it is declined, we all would GREATLY APPRECIATE when this happens so we can try again.


No.. my site is not broken. It is PR5 listed in top 5 of many search terms in Google.


No.. my site is not under construction. We've been in business and very profitable serving customers around the world for over 6 years.


No, we don't have an unacceptable business model, unless you are saying selling secure email is unacceptable? Hardly not.


And no, I'm not trying for the wrong category. I can see all my competitors right there in the category I'm trying for, and I even worded my listing very similiar to what others in the category used. Even if it was the wrong category or too wordy, why wasn't it moved to the right category and/or edited to work? The submission just seems to vanish whenever I submit it and I have pretty much given up trying. I'm left to vent my frustration on some public forum because these guys can't even give us an email address to contact to figure out what the issue is.


Also, could someone tell me why some sites like luxsci.com get listed 3 times, yes count them, three times under three different categories and yet all they do is do is basically the same thing we do, and that's sell secure email. Do we get permission to list our site in the region or state our company is located in along with the general category of the business? Well that's what these folks did.. all just sneaky ways to get listed multiple times. Here we can't even get listed once.


Now since all that is out of the way. Please someone, any editor, contact me so we can finally resolve this. Thanks.


If I can summarise your several posts here, you believe that we're giving you, a website owner, a terrible service.


Let me puncture that belief; we aren't attempting to give website owners any kind of service at all. It's just not part of our ethos. Instead, we're trying to build a directory that's useful to surfers and our downstream data users. That's not at all the same thing as listing every website on the planet.


As to giving priority to editor applications, many of us who process applications do so for this reason. In a quarter hour, I can process 3-6 listing suggestions. In that same time, I can process a promising editor application and join a new editor who might in time process thousands. It's a productivity thing :).


If I can summarise your several posts here, you believe that we're giving you, a website owner, a terrible service.


Let me puncture that belief; we aren't attempting to give website owners any kind of service at all. It's just not part of our ethos. Instead, we're trying to build a directory that's useful to surfers and our downstream data users. That's not at all the same thing as listing every website on the planet.


As to giving priority to editor applications, many of us who process applications do so for this reason. In a quarter hour, I can process 3-6 listing suggestions. In that same time, I can process a promising editor application and join a new editor who might in time process thousands. It's a productivity thing :).


Yet when I illustrate an example website that has clearly violated the so-called "Guidelines" and has multiple listings, you are silent. I thought you knew all about these guidelines? Is there even a way of reporting abuse? I would have cleaned that up immediately if they would let me be an editor.

I thought you knew all about these guidelines?

Trust me, I do. Two Topical listings and a Regional one are not necessarily excessive or abusive.


I would have cleaned that up immediately if they would let me be an editor.

Seems like the correct decision was made :). Incidentally, a new editor wouldn't have wide enough permissions to do that any way. It's a damage limitation thing.

  • Meta

Yet when I illustrate an example website that has clearly violated the so-called "Guidelines" and has multiple listings, you are silent. I thought you knew all about these guidelines?

Having multiple listings is not against the guidelines.

Suggesting a site to several categories is. [exception websites in more than 1 language can be suggested to all languages]

But editors can always decide to list a website more than once.


Is there even a way of reporting abuse?

Yes. Go to the category in which tha abuse has happened and click "report abuse/spam"


If it is just about a listing that should not be listed you can report such a situation on this forum under "Quality Control Feedback"

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta
saying it's been declined and to try again


I guarantee you, if we DID send responses, this is one thing that would NEVER be said. Never, under any circumstances, could this possibly be a useful thing to say. Never, under any circumstances,


You see, the editors are really really NOT just waiting around with 'bated breath, hoping someone will submit--AGAIN--a site that's ALREADY been determined to not be listable.


What one would often LIKE to say is: "It's been declined, and THEREFORE do NOT try again."


Which is also a useless thing to say: it's true...it's helpful...but all too many people will react by thinking, "it's rejected, THEREFORE DO try, try again".


Now, if someone is thinking, "I won't try again until I get a reject notice", then NOT sending a reject notice saves EVERYBODY time.

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