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Currently, my site listed under "Shopping: Jewelry: Supplies: Gemstones".


Now,want to listed under other categories like:


Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Jewelry




I got one example of listed in multiple categories: <url removed>

How to start this process to without effect current listing.


Please guide me about this.



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Now,want to listed under other categories like:

Websites can be listed more than once, that is true. But the "wants" of the onwer of that website are not what matters.


Currently, my site listed under "Shopping: Jewelry: Supplies: Gemstones".



Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Jewelry




A site will not be listed twice in Shopping. It will be listed as deep as possible in the category tree while still covering all things sold on the website.


A site almost never gets listed both in Shopping and in Business. It is either selling online to the customers (Shopping) or it is a manufacturer or distributor of products. see http://www.dmoz.org/desc/Business for what can be listed in Business and what will not be listed.


A site can be listed in Shopping and Regional. But only when it sells both online (Shopping) and has a brick-and-mortar location (Regional). In Regional a website will only be listed in the locality (city) the company is physicaly located in. As the description of that metro area ( http://www.dmoz.org/desc/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Metro_Areas/Los_Angeles ) specifies

Please submit sites to the most specific area possible.

For instance, sites about a specific town or city should be submitted to that town''s category, found under California''s Localities section.

Sites about more than one city or town all within the same county should be submitted to that county''s category, found under the Counties section.

**If the website is about cities or towns that are in more than one of the counties listed below, only then should the listing be submitted to this area.


If the website meets the Regional guidelines you may suggest it once to the most appropriate category.



Despite all the above an editor may always dicide to list a website in more categories. But only an editor may make such decissions. It is not acceptable to suggest websites to several categories (1 time in Regional and 1 time outside Regional is the max , if a website has content in more than one language it may be suggested to all thoses languages).

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • 2 months later...

Websites can be listed more than once, that is true. But the "wants" of the onwer of that website are not what matters.


Despite all the above an editor may always dicide to list a website in more categories. But only an editor may make such decissions. It is not acceptable to suggest websites to several categories (1 time in Regional and 1 time outside Regional is the max , if a website has content in more than one language it may be suggested to all thoses languages).



This helped me as well, so thanks to you and all concerned with DMOZ


Does this mean If I have a blog that covers my acquiring 120 different skills over the next 20 years, all I have to do is submit it to one category (say cheese making) and the editor will deal with the others (DIY solar hot water, handmade fishing lures etc etc etc) ?


And... is there a branch of editors that deal with sites like this where there are many categories or special needs?


Or... should I be trying to create a new category that might describe (who knows how) my site?

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Some people claim to be able to see into the future. DMOZ editors do not have this ability. So what happens to a website/blog in the next 20 years is not something we use to determine where to list a website and how to describe it.


A blog will, just like any other website, be listed in the subject of the website.

If the subject of the weblog is cheesemaking it will be listed under http://www.dmoz.org/Recreation/Food/Cheese/Cheese_Making/

If in the future you change the weblog to another subject you should tell us by sending us an "update listing" request. The link for such a request can be found at the top of the category the website is listed in. You should not rely on editors checking all websites to find if anything has changed.


If the weblog is about you and the things you do the subject is "you", we have a category for such weblogs http://www.dmoz.org/Society/People/Personal_Homepages/Weblogs/ A weblog about many different subjects almost always ends up in this category, duplicate listings are very uncommon for such sites.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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