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Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate DMOZ Content, and other issues here ONLY

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Carjumble.com - Ads for cars, car parts, cars and parts wanted.


This bee keeping site is a site for beekeepers (apiarists) dedicated to buying and selling new or secondhand bee keeping equipment and bee keeping supplies worldwide. If you want to buy or sell beekeeping equipment or supplies (bees / hives / hive tools / frames / smokers / clothing / wax or any other bee keeping equipment)


HiJaCkEd and now Mis-categorized


As a general rule, we prefer to list the shortest URL that works, since these tend to be more stable to changes in server setup etc. So for item2701 the current listing is correct, for item2702, I've changed it to the root of the new domain.


Item2073 sorted, thanks.


Thank you.


I will keep that in mind from now on so I don't make the same mistake in the future.


I have noticed some of the previous entries I have posted have not been sorted as yet.


#2687, #2688, #2689 all done.

#2700 seems to have been taken care of.


Still outstanding (I think) are:

#2672 to #2682,

#2686 (which seems more classic than truck to me),

#2691 to #2695,

#2699 (note: one pair looks like they might be franchisees of swift.ie, also listed there)

#2704 to #2708


#2686 (which seems more classic than truck to me),




Classic_Cars/ <--- this is the terminal category does it really belong here.


The problem I have with this one, is that it is not a car.


I do agree it is a classic and a nice job of it.


Cars usally have four tires, this vehical has ten tires and is a lot larger then a car.


It is your house and your rules.

  • Meta

#2676 is done

#2677 - I left the additional listings as they seemed appropriate to the catgories.

#2678 is done

#2679 is done

#2680, #2681 and #2682 - the listings seem fine. In Regional UK, the Country level is often used as a Topical area for listings. So it is not unusual to see some sites listed there as well as in a Locality. (a UK editor could explain this better)

The 404 error was removed and the redirects corrected.


Thanks :)

Curlie Meta editor artisands



  • Meta

#2686 - Site moved to Recreation/Autos/Makes_and_Models/GMC/ - Added: Site was moved as the category description stated DO NOT submit sites that only deal with one make or model of car here. Please submit those sites to appropriate subcategories of Recreation/Autos/Makes and Models instead.

#2691 - Site is down for maintenance

#2692 – Leaving these listings. It is fine to have a Topical and Regional listing if the site meets the requirements for both. The additional Topical listing was placed at the editor’s discretion.

#2693 - Done

#2694 - Done

#2695 - Done (by another editor)

#2699 - Done (by another editor)


Thanks :)

Curlie Meta editor artisands



#2676 is done

#2677 - I left the additional listings as they seemed appropriate to the catgories.

#2678 is done

#2679 is done

#2680, #2681 and #2682 - the listings seem fine. In Regional UK, the Country level is often used as a Topical area for listings. So it is not unusual to see some sites listed there as well as in a Locality. (a UK editor could explain this better)

The 404 error was removed and the redirects corrected.


Thanks :)

For my post 2677:



It turns out for the last listing the link does not point to the actual website they currently use. Instead, the link in:


Delta Phi - Rutgers University - Epsilon Chapter



Should point to:



Instead of:


  • Meta

As mentioned in: http://resource-zone.com/forum/showthread.php?p=221903&posted=1#post221903

Someone with permissions needs to have a look at Arts/Television/Programs/Dramas/Commander_in_Chief and unreview http://www.mackenziewatch.com/ which is now requiring a log in. (Courtesy of WRMineo)





*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.





Spam/Multiple Listings


As I reported in this post:



There is a group of sites that has been able to get multiple listings througout the directory. Most have been removed and specifically, one, (puertoconnection.com) was removed last week. However, when I visited the category today I noticed that a few other links had been removed (good job :) ) but one belonging to the same person had been added. The category is:




And the site in question is: puertoescondidoinfo.com

Puerto Escondido - Directory of businesses, activities, and tourist attractions.


This same group also owns and operates this website (hotelsantafeinfo.com) in the category:



Upon closer inspection you can see that all of the info is duplicated and the same info can be found on both sites. By browsing the sites you can see the sites are templates engaged in cross linking in an effort to get clicks on Google ads and the like. It is obvious spam and can not be considered in accordance with the ODP guidelines and the spirit of the directory. I was surprised to see them relisted as their actions are blatant and this conduct has already been reported in post 2479 mentioned above. You can even see that they advertise a beach cam which has never had a live cam.


Their other site (pacificcoasttravelinfo.com) has been removed from the directory for this same reason based on post 2479.


Well, I hope for the sake of the integrity of the directory that you can see the obvious and blatant abuse as clearly as I.


In this category



MoonGraphics http://moongraphics.org is a 301 to a 404 page


My Template Network http://www.mytemplatenetwork.com/ is a 404


PHP Website Templates http://phpwebsitetemplates.com/ is now simply a reseller full of affiliate link products to templatemonster.com which is already listed.


PSDfiles http://www.psdfiles.com/ is no longer. It says it has been purchased and is nothing but a gate page now.


Web Art 4U http://www.webart4u.com is now simply a reseller with affiliate links products to templatemonster.com which is already listed.

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