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Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate DMOZ Content, and other issues here ONLY

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  • Editall/Catmv

Greetings all. :)


I can't do anything about the links editpk has helpfully reported, but of course quality control is still very close to my heart, so I can at least make the listings easier to find by making the categories clickable. (editpk, the way to do this is to use the URL from your browser address bar, rather than the category name. ;) )


#3950: Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Surgical_Products/Surgical_Instruments/


#3951: Business/Healthcare/Animal_Health/Veterinary/Manufacturing/


#3952: Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Clothing/Materials_and_Supplies/



FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor.


I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.




URL: geocities.com/Petsburgh/1943/

Reason: This is definitely not about fish.


URL: malawikeepers.com

Reason: The forum has been removed as well as all pages but index.




URL: diszhal-info.extra.hu/

Reason: This URL redirects to diszhal.info/english/ which is already listed within this category.


URL: aquafishindia.com

Reason: Parked domain. BTW, listing it as "Exporter of freshwater ornamental and aquarium live fish. West Bengal, India." was very bad decision! I'd check which editor did so.


URL: diszhal.info

Reason: This is a Hungarian version and it is listed already within this category!


URL: briansfish.com

Reason: Expired domain.


URL: users.tkk.fi/~lsarakon/akva.html

Reson: 404 Error.




URL: geocities.com/Heartland/Park/4724/

Reason: This website is aquariumhobbyist.com - just as frame. aquariumhobbyist.com is already listed within the directory.




URL: geocities.com/mftess/Piranha.html

Reason: 404 Error.




URL: justcichlids.com

Reason: This website is actually empty. It contains some categories, but only 1 real listing. Other listings are Google AdS and Amazon affiliate links.


URL: geocities.com/myfishtank2001/MyCichlidTank.htm

Reason: This is just a frame website of oneinfostop.com which is already listed within the category!




URL: geocities.com/josh_shilling/index.html

Reason: Site under construction.




URL: justdiscus.com

Reason: Parked domain.


URL: max-discus-dream.de

Reason: They say this on their homepage: Max Discus Dream has stopped working after 10 years. Thank you very much to all user for the great time.




URL: bloodparrotpage.0catch.com/

Reason: The URL points to a 404 Error page.




URL: circles99.com/circles/welcome.php?uCircle=flowerhorn

Reason: The URL points to some other document, not related to fish at all.




URL: ocn.ne.jp/~chamber/

Reason: This is in Japanese and I don't see any English version available there. It belongs to some Japanese category, not to English one.


All for now :) .


Dead links


shopping: pets: cats and dogs: dogs


1. T-topdog and sport supplies

2. Rocket dog of vermont

3. Jake and elmwoods house of chews

4. D natural dog

5. Barking bakery


Please remove these dead links to make room for good quality content sights in this category..


The database was last updated on: wed jun 11 07:21:34 edt 2008

Dead links aren't taking up room that could be taken up by other sites. But thanks for reporting those. #3958 has been taken care of.

Bad Links/Listings




I've applied to become an editor in the above category almost two months ago now, but no word as of yet if I was accepted or declined. I've found some bad listings that I think need to be cleaned up. I'll just list the Title and my reason I think of what's happened with these listings:


1. ExtraUgly - They are out of business as of April 2008


2. Vice Versa USA - Currently links to a non-related pharm sales site, probably an expired domain snatched up by someone else.


3. Flying Octopus Apparel - Not a relevant link at all, probably another case of an expired domain being purchased by an opportunist.


4. Humorous T-shirts - Spammy title was listed by an editor, as this is not the official name of the business/website.


5. Pureangst.com - Problems with hosting I can only assume.


6. Wrongthoughts.com - Landing page is having problems with images.


I hope I posted this in the right area, just want to help out!


Designing Switched LAN Internetworks url is incorrect


Hi there,


Designing Switched LAN Internetworks - This document describes LAN switching, virtual LANs and ATM switching

-- http://www.cisco.com/en/US/support/index.html Computers: Internet: Protocols: IP: Routing: Layer 3 Switching (1)



The above DMOZ entry is incorrect.


The above URL needs to be updated and point to http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/internetworking/design/guide/nd2012.html





Hello community..


in the category:

Regional/Europe/Belarus/Business and Economy/Computers and Internet/Web Design and Development


Please, check following links:

Itransition Company [http://www.itransition.com/]


as you can see on main page of site this company has worldwide presence (USA, The Netherlands, UK, Swiss, Japan, Belarus), and so should NOT be placed in regional category.


And as for company main business is custom software development in should be in:

Computers/Companies/Software Development


thank you..

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