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Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate DMOZ Content, and other issues here ONLY

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A devious site using spam..and aggresive pop ups (repetedley!!!)

managed to trick my girlfriend into downloading its trial verision Anti Virus

that now has blocked access to deleting it or uninstalling it!


so pissed :- ( I wrote them telling them and told them to contact me and tell me how to remove their junk from my comp. of course they did no such thing

so now Iv'e reported them everywhere I could.


If anybody here would be so kind as to help me in my attempts to remove this application from my comp I would really appreciate it



jaiavarman, this thread is for reporting sites that are currently listed in the ODP, but have problems of one sort or another that mean they shouldn't be listed. As far as I can see, the site you mentioned isn't listed in the ODP. While I'm sure everyone would sympathise with your problems, this forum isn't the place to get help.

Dead link In http://www.dmoz.org/Sports/Tennis/Instruction/


"Give it a Go Tennis Academy - Provides coaching, partner matching, and a tennis league. Based in Westville, South Africa."


The co.za WHOIS says "WARNING: Domain has been suspended - will be deleted as per the accounts schedule"


Since this category does not have an editor, and no new links have been added in the last 2+ years, and I seem to be the only one who keeps reporting dead links in it, I don't understand why I keep getting rejected when I apply to be an editor there (or at an even more obscure part of /Sports/Tennis).


I am following the "guidelines" in the application form, I am not planning an elaborate scam by reporting dead links for two year, in hopes to take over /Sports/Tennis/Instruction/ (which no one seems to maintain anymore).

  • Editall/Catmv

#4082 has been done, thank you. :)


Your interest in quality control is much appreciated, and we hope you will continue to help the project in this way.

I don't understand why I keep getting rejected
I have not seen your previous applications, but every rejection is accompanied by general or specific comments, so there should be no confusion about why you have been unsuccessful.

no new links have been added in the last 2+ years
I am pleased to report that numerous additions and improvements have indeed been made in the last 2 years, most recently in March 2008, because although there is no listed editor, there are about 200 volunteers who can edit there, according to time and interest.

FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor.


I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.


In http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Alabama/Localities/L/Lincoln/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/


The only site listed: Lincoln Real Estate Lots and Homes - Realtor Don Barnett in Lincoln, Talladega County, Alabama.


  1. Title incorrect
  2. Description non-compliant as it repeats city and state
  3. Description uses term Realtor
  4. Site only has a single page of content.


In http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Alabama/Localities/L/Lincoln/Guides_and_Directories/


The only site listed: City of Lincoln - Located 40 miles east of Birmingham on Interstate 20. Local news, attractions, city services and information.


  1. Site is under construction and has no available content

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