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Broken Links


I believe this is the correct place to post dead links.




1. Go2Net Sports Search Channel(page cannot be found).




1. Asia Golf and Directory(Account under suspension; no content).


2. Golf Gurus: The Ontario Golfing Community Online(page cannot be found)


3. USA Golfer(page changed; can't access content).


4. Rural Living Canada: Golfing (page cannot be found)


5. ParPlay.com (page cannot be found)


6. MyGolfSite (page cannot be found)


7. Links New England: Golf Resource Guide(page cannot be found)





1. WrestleDirectory.com (visit their website and you get all business links; nothing to do with wrestling.




1. Tennisland (page cannot be found)



The site is listed in this category.




This site is about turning lawn care into fitness techniques but not exactly a a guide that gives much advice about fitness as a whole.


This site also contains gardening tips which is also not relevant to the category Advice_Guides category.


This site fails so be relevant to this category making it more lawn care relevant than fitness.


The category would be more relevant in this category.



In Recreation/Outdoors/Fishing/Saltwater/








Are mirror sites - the very first line in "submitting a site" on DMOZ states: "Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs."


Is that considered inappropriate content or would an abuse report be the proper tool?




category messed up


I’ve submitted more than a month ago a site in category


This would mean Power and Environment. The category has only 9 entries; I checked them and found things I believe somebody should be aware of:


1. The entry http://www.athenerg.ro/ goes to a site with exactly 6 pages. Homepage says the site is under construction, which is very true, since out of the other 5 pages, only two have some content, amounting to exactly 220 words altogether.


2. The entry http://www.ccc.as.ro/ leads to an “under construction” page which after 30 seconds redirects the user to the (I believe free) domain provider as.ro.


The other sites in category that have content, show little or no match with category name:


3. The entry http://www.topcad.ro/ is the site of a company dealing with topography and land survey, that has nothing to do with either power or environment.


4. The entry http://www.smartconsulting98.ro/ is the site of a probably very large company since it offers furniture, kitchen and bathroom accessories, vacuum cleaners, dusters, irons, floor polishers, and some water treatment equipment (the only item of some relevance here).


Hope this help


Broken Links




I've found three broken links at: http://dmoz.com/Sports/Baseball/Directories/


The three broken links at this category are as follow:


1. Baseball Directory by String Bikini.com (for a week now this site has appeared as page cannot be found).


2. LinkAthletics.com-Baseball(page cannot be found).


3. Top 50 Baseball Sites (for a weeK now I've seen this site appear as page CANNOT BE FOUND).

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