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#1174 Dealt with the first duplication you mention. The other was removed by another editor on 15 Apr 2005. Thanks.


#1175 dealt with, thanks. Found all as described, except that CCG-Warehouse works fine for me.


Dealt with #1176, thanks.


Weps Eyewear and Austrheim Øyeoptikk work only if your browser permits pop-ups. I have added a note to that effect on the English-language site. I don't speak Norsk.


classicwoolens.com works fine for me. Their shopping cart is down, but they offer a temporary alterative.


Tam World is http://agcrump.com/tamworld/ which works.


A few more


Wrong category.Does not offer property for sale

Regional: Middle East: Turkey: Provinces: Mugla: Business and Economy: Real Estate (0)

Euro-Lycia Tourism - Offers villa holidays in Turkey near Fethiye and Oludeniz by the Turkish coast. Includes descriptions and photographs.


Is a redirect to another website

Regional: Middle East: Turkey: Provinces: Mugla: Business and Economy: Real Estate (0)

Lycia Properties - Land plots, villas, houses, apartments, hotels for sale and rent, rental services. Includes a catalog.


This site is no longer "live" but directs you to 3 other sites.

Regional: Middle East: Turkey: Provinces: Mugla: Business and Economy: Real Estate (0)

BNA Group - Apartments, villas and houses for sale and rent in Marmaris, Calis, Ovacik and holiday areas of the southern regions. Features information on services provided.


[quote=jeanmanco #1176

classicwoolens.com works fine for me. Their shopping cart is down, but they offer a temporary alterative.


Tam World is http://agcrump.com/tamworld/ which works.


classicwoolens-shopping cart works fine at this moment, this morning (timestamp) it did not work at all

Tamworld-is a subdirectory of a games site (thought this was not according DMOZ guide lines... sorry Jean)


Have a great day,

#1178 dealt with thanks. By the way it makes my job easier if you provide a live link to the category. But I don't really need the site descriptions - just the title. Thanks.
  • Meta
Dutch (World/Nederlands) entries in #1181 have been dealt with. Thanks.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


#1181 English-language categories dealt with, thanks.


Sofi's Stitches and kidscornerboutique work fine for me. Otherwise found as described, thanks.

Working on #1181. - Sofi's Stitches works fine for me.


..checked it several times this morning and did not load (could be the passing Thunderstorm we had here) :) Sorry Jean, Gtx

  • Editall/Catmv
For what it's worth, #548 doesn't seem to have been handled -- at least according to the original poster, as part of another complaint. The rest of the complaint may not be justified, but something should probably be done about #548.

Thanks, arubin. Working on it.


Though for EVERYONE posting bad links here, PLEASE try to give the TITLE of the site; it's so much easier to find the bad listing.


<added> fixed the typo and the last link; all the others had been caught last fall/winter. Poster must have been using a cached/old version of the direcdtory. </added>


a - h



Alango Creek Creations -http://www.alangocreek.com/ (forced dns change)

Alice's Aromarama - http://raq22.dnssys.com/index.html (isp placeholder)

Backs Shop - http://www.backsshop.com/ (dead?)

The Bath Bar - http://bathbaronline.com/ (dead?)

Bath Petals, Inc. - http://www.bathpetals.com/ (dead?)

The Bathhouse - http://www.lsbathhouse.com/ (dead?)

Bedazzle Bed and Bath Shop - http://www.bedazzleonline.com/ (placeholder)

Bella Body - http://www.bellabody.com/ (placeholder)

Belle's Bath and Body Shop - http://www.bellesbathandbody.com/ (dead?)

Body Crystals - http://www.bodycrystals.biz (redirects to: ->) http://bootup.trouble-free.net/suspended.page/ (placeholder)

Botanical Bath and Body Essentials - http://www.geocities.com/botanicalbath/ (new url: ->) http://www.botanical-bath.com

Cabin Creek Soap Company - http://members.aol.com/cabincreeksoapco/ (open dir) probably suspended

Cause An Effect - http://stores.downonmainstreet.com/causeaneffect/ (dead?)

Cotney Peak - http://www.cotneypeak.com (url redirects to: ->) http://www.cotneypeak.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc

Country Scentuals - http://www.countryscentuals.com/ (content?)

Creations Di Carla - http://www.creationsdicarla.com/ (dead?)

Curlew Country - http://www.curlewcountry.com/ (placeholder)

Fragrant Distractions - http://www.dxmarket.com/fragrants/ (dead?)

Frosty Valley Naturals - http://www.frostyvalleynaturals.com/ (placeholder)

Green Valley Spa - https://andromeda.greenvalleyspa.com/ (dead?)

Heavenly Bodies - http://www.heavenlybodyshop.com/ (placeholder)

Home Beauty Mom - http://www.homebeautymom.com/ (dead?)


i - z..



Indigo Bath Works - http://www.indigobathworks.com/ (placeholder isp)

Joan's Gardens - http://www.joansgardens.com/ (open dir) wrong url

LeliaSea - (listed ->) http://www.store.yahoo.com/mineralsea/ (redirects to:->) http://store.leliasea.com/ (new url: ->) http://www.leliasea.com/

A Little Soap Company - http://www.alittlesoapcompany.com/ (link page!)

Luscious Lather - http://members.tripod.com/lusciouslather/ (placeholder)

Magnolia Meadows - http://www.mmsoapsplus.hypermart.et/ (redirects to: ->) http://www.hypermart.net/templates/lightsOut.bml?lightsoutuser=hy.mmsoapsplus (placeholder)

Magnolia Springs - http://www.magnoliasprings.net/ (placeholder)

Regal Rhapsody - http://www.regalrhapsody.com/ (placeholder) ?

Rubber Ducky Soap - http://www.rubberduckysoapdeli.com/ (placeholder)

SERAPHINA SPA - http://www.seraphinaspa.com/ (placeholder)

Sharon's Botanicals - http://people.txucom.net/cjshrink/ (dead?)

Simple Indulgences - http://www.SimpleIndulgences.com - (redirects to: ->) http://stores.safeshopper.com/ (placeholder)

Siren Bath - http://www.sirenbath.com./ (placeholder isp)

SoapAroma - http://www.soaparamo.wahmart.com (redirects to: ->) http://contacthost.acmsys.com/ (placeholder isp)

Solstice in your Soul - http://www.solsticeinyoursoul.com/ (placeholder)

Sombria - http://www.sombria.com/ (dead?)

Sun Puddles - http://www.sunpuddles.com/ (dead?)

Sutton's Mountain - http://www.suttonsmountain.com/index.php (loops.. doesn't load over here)

With Nature in Mind - http://withnatureinmind.com/ (under construction since spring 2004)

Woodland Botanicals - http://hometown.aol.com/woodlndbotanical/ (placeholder)

  • Meta
Item #1194 done. Thanks.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


#1188 dealt with, thanks. A big thank you for adding the site titles as listed.


Medical Supply Company works for me.

Anderson Botanical Care works for me.

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