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In http://dmoz.org/Society/People/Personal_Homepages/B/:


Babel, Robert A. - BotBoy69 - http://botboy69.tripod.com/

Baczkowski, Julia - http://members.aol.com/andrewbaczkowski/

Baere, Wim De - http://users.pandora.be/Aphelion/

Bagwell, Jeremy - http://www.angelfire.com/electronic/stardiver/

Bakewell, Doug - http://vvv.com/~dbakewel/

Balasubramanian, Archana - http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/6719/

Balazs, Attila - http://abhome.tripod.com/

Baliga, Siddarth - http://members.rediff.com/siddarthbaliga/siddarth.htm

Ball, Stephen - http://www.stephenball.net/

Balstone, Steve and Anne - http://www.geocities.com/sbalstone/

Bargoot, Ron - http://www.rbargoot.50megs.com/main.html

Barham, Keith - http://keith_barham.tripod.com/

Barski, Alexei Y. - http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~barski/

Bartsch, Kilian - http://kilian.bartsch.us/

Bathory, Daemonaida - http://www.angelfire.com/pr/DaEmonAiDa/

Batta, Puneet - http://puneetbatta.tripod.com/

Baychev, Blagoy - http://hakk1nen.tripod.com/

Beaulieu, Tristan - Syntheticpawn.com - http://www.syntheticpawn.com/

Beazley, Peter - http://users.ox.ac.uk/~corp0805/personal/

Belton, Tim - http://www.timbelton.homestead.com/

Ben Miled, Mondher - http://www.putterpocket.com/ben/

Bender, Andreas Kieron P. - http://www.physik.tu-berlin.de/~bender/

Berlau Jr, Don - http://donberlaujr.tripod.com/

Bernie, David E. - http://www.geocities.com/n81v/ (nothing but banners)

Berryman, Brad - http://bradbman.home.texas.net/

Besonia, Helen Grace - http://www.angelfire.com/amiga2/helengrace/

Bester, Ran - http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/rbester/

Bestor, Alun - Choose Your Poison - http://webhost1.inspire.net.nz/~bestor/ (takes you to a university webpage, not a personal site)

Bhargave, Tapan Prakash - The Man, The Legend - http://home.austin.rr.com/tapandream/ (password protected)

Billinghurst, Owen - http://www.angelfire.com/ab6/obillinghurst/

Birungi, Patricia - Cheetahs World - http://members.chello.at/patricia.birungi/

Blancett, Shelley - http://www.geocities.com/sblancett/

Bleser, Adam David - http://www.clemson.edu/errors/novell_404.php

Blom, Paul J., Jr. - http://pjsplace.150m.com/main.html

Bloois, Frans van - http://www.xs4all.nl/~fvbloois

Boebel, Bill - http://filebox.vt.edu/users/wboebel/

Boff, Arthur - Wartword - http://www.wartworld.net/

Bolgov, Dennis - http://www.agrotradeuk.com/

Bonetti, Gianmarco - http://www.gbonetti.com/

Bonilla, Luis Cruz - http://luiscruz.undonet.com/

Botello, Myra Rachel - http://ourworld.cs.com/checkme26/index.htm?f=fs

Bouthors, Cyril - http://cyril.bouthors.org/

Boyle, Mike - http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~teatree/

Braem, Michael A. - http://www.michaelbraem.com/

Branam, James - http://www.jambra.net/

Breitkreutz, Mark - http://members.shaw.ca/inemesis/

Brenton, Justin Bradley - http://www.geocities.com/viperjustin2001/

Bristow, Becky - http://www3.baylor.edu/~Becky_Bristow/

Brlas, Aaron and Lisa Negre - http://www.angelfire.com/linux/aaronbrlas/

Brodt, Peter - Peter Brodt's Homepage - http://hjem.get2net.dk/medwyn/

Bruins, Quentin - http://www.kvi.net/~redsmurf/

Bruml, Sarah K. - http://www.geocities.com/schnibb77/SarahsHomePage.html

Brune, Curtis M. - http://www.cucy.com/ (this is a business website)

Bulusu, Sharath - http://sharath.gq.nu/

Burkes, Helen-kaye - http://www.geocities.com/soca_woman/

Burrow, Ed - http://www.edburrow.co.uk/

Busby, Glenn - http://plaza.ufl.edu/gbusby/

Butler, Michael - http://www.michaelbutlertv.com/

Butterfield, Amy Lynn - http://www.geocities.com/wee_bit_strange/

Buttgereit, Steven C. - http://www.buttgereit.net/


Should I continue through the rest of the alphabet in the Personal Homepages here? I have a feeling there are going to be hundreds and hundreds of dead links, and I don't want to spam the thread. Maybe email or PM the bad links to an editor?


Dead links in http://dmoz.org/Society/People/Personal_Homepages/Z/


Zajic, Stefan



Zammarelli, Jen and Chris


is now Angela Zammarelli's site, and has no content


Zaral, Isaías


is not a personal site (German website templates & SEO)


Zegelin, David George



Zeng, Haifeng


Note at bottom says page under construction; last updated 11/03/00


Zengel, John Jacob



Zenifer, Cheruveettil



Zephram, Serath



Zerbe, Noah


has been moved to http://www.humboldt.edu/~nrz3


Zink, Aaron



Zoltan, Scott



In http://dmoz.org/Society/People/Personal_Homepages/C/:


C., Sam - UC Irvine, Class of 2002 - http://ucirvine2002.tripod.com/

Calligan, Rich - http://www.richcalligan.com/ (no content)

Cantwell, David - Caparula, Joe - http://www.cs.mun.ca/~david12/http://webpages.charter.net/jcaparula/ (redirects to a blog)

Cape, Jill - http://www.capedesigns.com/ (more of a webdesign business than a personal homepage)

Caputo, Sam - http://samcaputo.tripod.com/ (no content)

Carefoot, Craig - http://members.shaw.ca/craigcarefoot/NewHomePage/home.html

Carruth, Tom - http://www.duke.edu/~twc2/

Carswell, James B. - http://www.legomaniac.com/ (just a collection of links, including Amazon affiliate links)

Carver, Charlotte - http://charlottecarver.com/cgi-bin/geronimo.cgi

Casaja, Clarissa Anne Gonzales - http://www.geocities.com/dl_pn/

Cash, Paul - http://home.alltel.net/pipe_radeau/

Casner, Stephen William - http://www.advant.com/users/frejud/

Cassim, Shums - http://www.cassims.8m.com/

Cassiram, Marc - http://members.tripod.com/marc_cassi/

Casson, Mitch- Mitch's Bus Awareness Campaign - http://www.geocities.com/mitchcasson/

Ceccato, Fabrizio - http://web.tiscali.it/ceccoman/

Chairon, Julie - Awaken With Me - http://www.awaken.org/

Chait, Greg - http://www.gregchait.com/ (no content)

Champion Edward - edrants - http://www.edrants.com/ (a blog)

Charcalla, Jason - http://jason.charcalla.com/

Child, Brian - http://www.brianchild.com/

Christenbury, Paul - http://www.paulchristenbury.com/ (a business site)

Cianci, Christopher Michael - http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~cianci/

Cich, Jeremiah - http://cichstap.com/

Colbert, Brent - http://www.brentcolbert.com/ (a blog)

Collett, Kala Renee - TroubleBreathing - http://trouble-breathing.net/

Collibroniowski, Daniel - http://hardtone_1.tripod.com/thisismyworldandwelcometoit/

Colville, Ali - http://www.alicolville.com/

Comstock, Gary L. - http://www.chass.ncsu.edu/ethics/about_prog/people/comstock/

Condos, Alex - http://www.geocities.com/alexcondos/bio.html

Conner, Jerr - http://www.geocities.com/jerr_conner/

Connin, Kathy - http://www.kathyc.net/

Cookson, Celestine - http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8288/index.html

Core, Dan - http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dcore/

Costa Tiago - http://www.rit.edu/~tcc9941/ (link needs updating)

Cotton, Joe - http://www.wf.net/~jcotton/ (not updated in six years, and no real content)

Crampton, Larry - http://www.filmmakerstudios.com/larrycrampton/

Crannell: Sarah Elizabeth - http://scrannell.fcpages.com/

Cresswell, Jamie - http://www.duncansmydog.com/

Crnich, Dallas - http://gallery.in-tch.com/~ccrnich/

Crockett, John - http://www.johncrockett.net/ (blank page when I tried to access it)

Cronin, Don - http://www.doncronin.com/

Crooker, Ken- The Legend Never Dies - http://www.kcidesignworks.net/

Crunkhorn, Ryan - http://blowfish.com.au/ (a webdesign business)

Csosz, Peter - http://www.sweb.cz/csosz/index.html (just a page full of pics with no text or links)

Cu, Jenny - http://jennycu.com/ (mostly affiliate links and ads)


Just a quick note: No Angelfire hosted webpages would load for me when I reviewed these sites.


Dead Links in NZ Guides and Directories


In the category



1. Access New Zealand http://www.accessnz.co.nz (merely reproduces the Google directory for New Zealand, though presumably the site is being updated.)


2. Abcpacific http://www.abcpacific.com/nz/ (domain up for sale)


3. Kiwi Directus http://www.kiwidirectus.co.nz/ (redirects to http://www.inmagazine.co.nz/pages)


4. NZ Net Search Web Site Directory http://www.nznetsearch.co.nz/ (domain expired)


5. NZ Places http://www.nzplaces.co.nz/ (not accessible)


6. NZ Central occurs twice, once as http://www.thehub.co.nz/ and again as http://www.nzcentral.com/


7. New Zealand on the Web http://www.nz.com/mainpage.html (page cannot be found)


8. SearchKiwi Directory and Search Engine http://www.searchkiwi.co.nz/ (the site has no content except ads related to the USA. Dig into any of the links to confirm)


In http://dmoz.org/Society/People/Personal_Homepages/D/:


Damean, Nicolae - http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~ndamean/

Danner, Brandon - http://members.tripod.com/dmusicstud/

Danofsky, Samuel - http://www.danofsky.com/ (I can't read Russian, but I'm pretty sure this isn't a personal site)

Dark, Taylor - http://members.aol.com/OSCURO/index.html

Dayton Kevin - http://kevindayton.com/ (no content at this time)

De Filippo, Riccardo - http://www.rmce.org/riccardo/index.htm (no content)

De Leon, Dion - dionxx dot com - http://www.dionxx.com/ (no content)

de Souza, Fabrisio Magalhães - http://orbita.starmedia.com/~fabrisioms/

De Wit, Neville - http://www.angelfire.com/goth/Neville/home.htm (navigation frame isn't working)

Deb, Sankha - http://www.angelfire.com/in/golfgreen/index.html (url needs updating)

Deconinck, Adam - http://www.physicsgeek.net/

Delavogias, Franchesca - http://members.aol.com/fseeker/

Delcamp, Cecil - http://wyvern.htmlplanet.com/

Delson, Scott - Web Zone - http://members.cox.net/mandelscot/ (url needs updating)

DeMars Robert - http://www.robertdemars.com/index.htm

Demetrion, Phil - http://www.angelfire.com/sys/angelinfo.shtml

Dennington, Erin - Earthrise - http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/druid/186/ (url needs updating)

Denton, Paul - http://www.freewebs.com/pauldenton/ (no content)

Dhingra, Neel - http://www.angelfire.com/nd/cyberhome/

Dibbern, Sascha - http://sascha.dibbern.info/ (received error when I tried to access it)

Dilanni, Stacey - http://www.angelfire.com/jazz/bluetrane57/

Dizon, Yolly - http://mitglied.lycos.de/yollydl/ (url needs updating)

Dockerty, Nick - http://home.clara.net/nickdock/

Dodd, Jennifer M. - http://www.svaha.net/ (url needs updating)

Dolloph, Nicole M. - http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/pnk4ever/

Domugho, Ray - http://members.fortunecity.com/raydomugho/raydomugho/

Drinkwater, Mary - http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/savannah/657

Dubik, Steve - http://geocities.com/stevedubik/ (url needs updating)

Duin, Geoffrey - http://home.earthlink.net/~geduin/ (no content)

Dumas, Todd - http://www.conflictdivine.com/

Dunker, Danielle - http://www.danielle.dunker.com/

Duren, Scott - http://www.scottduren.com/

Durovec, Daniel - http://www.mujweb.cz/www/durovec/

Dust, Mike - All Things Mike Dust - http://www.mikedust.com/ (error when I tried to access it)

Dyke, Paul - http://www.paul-dyke.co.uk/ (nothing but ads)

Dykes, Dave - http://davedykes.com/


Dead Links in China Guides and Directories


In the category http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/China/Guides_and_Directories/

the following seem to be dead links or not updated for a long time.


1. China -- Facts at a glance http://www.asiaspirit.com/a-cn.html

(Not updated for years. e.g. yuan-dollar exchange rate upto 2001, also states that no stock exchanges are online whereas two, Shanghai and Shenzhen, sites are available)


2. China Bridge http://www.thechinabridge.com/ (seems to be totally devoid of content. Drill down into any of the categories and you are greeted by a common response: No document has been found in this category


3. Ocrat Chinese Links http://www.ocrat.com/ocrat/links.html ("This site does not exist at this time")




In the category



China Vista http://www.chinavista.com seems to be outdated or full of links that don't work.


Sample headlines: Fairs and Exhibitions China 2001

Latest reports about Chinese Economics: latest are for 2001

China Statistical Report: latest are for 1999


When you click on China Impression Tours, you get no content. Go on down and you eventually get a script error


Etc Etc


category: /Arts/Music/Chats_and_Forums/Styles/


1 - Trance Creator Board - http://p080.ezboard.com/belectrodaze

A tiny forum that has moved to http://trancecreator.com/Tcv5/index.php

The forums of that site aren't big enough to warrant DMOZ'ing either


2 - Rosey's Honky Tonk Chit-chat & Rendezvous - http://members.aol.com/GilTyrrell/chat.html

Horrible site, chat script is permanently empty. Not useful to anyone! Not updated (copyright notice) since 1998


3 - Rap Rippaz - http://rap****.proboards6.com/

Site must have died, but is now effectively contentless. No new posts for over a month.


4 - Rap City - http://allemin3m.proboards6.com/

Dead. Redirects to http://www.proboards.com/index.html


5- Midwest Drum and Bass - http://www.mw-dnb.com/



6- Metal Heads - http://metalheads.proboards9.com/

Dead. Links to http://artofrock.proboards34.com/ but that's a new, empty forum too.


7- Latin House Message Board - http://pub18.ezboard.com/blatinhousemessageboard

Not sure if this should be in. Very low quality, low activity small board, but has recent posts. 50-50.


8 - The kind that hurts the most - http://pub23.ezboard.com/bperfectlittledream66706

ANOTHER extremely low quality forum hosted on one of these ad-filled free board hosts. Very little value to anyone browsing DMOZ. This cat is apparently full of them. Given the thousands of much bigger, better and less ad-spammed forums out there, that's disappointing. This one has very few recent posts


9 - Garage Chat - http://www.wyze.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.pl

Dead link (internal server error 500)


10 - DanceBBS - http://dancebbs.lusciousrecords.com/

Has had all posts deleted, now reset to just 600-odd posts. Of questionable value to DMOZ. Recent activity though.


11 - Classic Rock Chat - http://www.4-lane.com/musicchat/pages/classicrockchat.html

No actual rock chat going on.


12 - CCMChat - http://ccmchat.com/

Dead link (server timeout)


that's almost half the links in there. This cat has been completely abandoned :(


In category http://dmoz.org/Health/Addictions/Substance_Abuse/Resources/Education_and_Training/


http://www.bluewater.softwaredesigners.com/ is primarily a software company. The only education and training they provide is in the use of their software. Suggest moving to a different category.


http://www.forensic-drug-abuse-advisor.com/ redirects to http://www.fdaa.com - site still matches the description. Not sure if DMOZ cares about such things as you can still find the site, which certainly fits the category.


http://www.api.or.at/lbi/ - the vast majority of the content on this site is in German. DMOZ description says there are downloads in English, but I can't find any.


http://mcphersontrainingconcepts.com/ - uses the Intoximeter Drink Wheel without crediting the source (Intoximeters, Inc., allows use of their content but requests a specific bit of text and a link). Other content appears to be original, but mostly a cheesy commercial site.


Errors and Corrections.


I had previously cleaned up this category so it is not bad....but here are the few that are there. Thanks


The following Cat has these errors and corrections.




Bearcave Net - Actually goes to http://www.bearcave.net/~baddog/ which in turns appears to be a personal home page and probably would be better suited under this Cat. http://Http://dmoz.org/Society/Gay,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/Gay_Men/Bears/Personal_Pages/


Club Chub - Appears to be a domain but there is no site just the apache web holder


Flat Water Bears – Is under construction and has no real content and is probably better suited to be place back in queue.


Gay Bears Bed & Breakfast in London, UK – Appears to be more than just one B & B the description may need to be changed?


Northeastern Kansas Bear Club – Points to http://jctbears.xcaliburclub.com/ but it is now this http://www.jctbears.com/


I believe I clean this one up previously too.


The Following Cat has these errors and corrections.





BearBiker – Site has been closed.


Bristlybear – Site not found.


Dbear – Site says under construction but there does appear to be some content but I can not make it out as I do not speak German.


HairyBear – Site points to http://www.hairybears.boyznow4u.co.uk/ but it is now this http://www.hairybearuk.com


Hgybear – Site not found.


LokiBear – Site not found.


Sweet Sugar Bear – Theres no real content on this site.


The following Cat has these errors and corrections.




Alain and Vincent – No content on this site.


Christian and Andreas – Site not found.


MarkBear and Fursus – Points to http://www.freewebs.com/2furryfinns/ but is now this http://www.bearhillbears.com


TazBear and TazCub – Site under construction and and has no content and be a commercial site now?


This Cat has the following errors and corrections.




Boot Talk – Appears to a forum but there is no forum or content?


Ed and Scott – Points to this http://obeythetoaster.com/forums/ but is really this http://obeythetoaster.com/wordpress and is no longer a forum but a blog so the description need to changed to reflect that.


#GayMelayu – No such page.


Guy Chat – Not sure if this what it susposed to be but I think it may not be.


Street Diversity – No such Yahoo Group.

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