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I applied to become an editor late last week. I received a verification email and I clicked on the link. I understand that application review process can take time, but I just tried to logon to see if I might get to view any additional information that’s only available to those who have registered with ODP. However, I got the following error message:


“User needs an email address verification before the user can login”.


I am not sure if this means my application got lost during submission, or if it is simply awaiting a review. I don’t mind resubmitting it if for some reason my original application got lost during submission, but I want to double check in order to avoid a duplicate application. I will appreciate it if someone can kindly take a look at this and let me know. My user id is shiraaz.


Thank you for your time.






  • Meta

That message means that your editor account is not active yet.

The system knows your editor name (to prevent others from applying with the same name) but login is not possible.

You must wait until the application is reviewed. This normaly can take from several days to several weeks. Sometimes it will take a little longer.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.




I want to make a quick clarification about the disclosure of all sites I own. I own a handful of domains, and have content on a couple of them. I have disclosed them all. I have also owned four other domain names in the past that I did not disclose. One of them expired about six months ago and I never had any content on it. Another expired over three years ago and I had some content on it. The other two expired about 10 years ago. I assumed the requirement to disclose all sites owned by editors was to avoid any attempt by them to sign up as editors as a sneaky way to add their sites to the ODP, so I didn’t think about disclosing sites I owned in the past, specially the ones that expired several years ago.


Should I have disclosed them?






  • Meta

Technicaly you should have disclosed them but I doubt that not telling us about such old domains will be a problem.

Listing the websites you are affiliated with is telling us who you are and will give us an impression of your honesty. Hiding important information is not something we like. If you have been honest about the other websites I do not think this will be an issue. There can ofcourse be other reasons not to accept an application. If this applies to you is something I do not know (I have no access to your application as I only can review applications in the Dutch language).

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Thank you pvgool for your quick replies. You are right, I should have disclosed them. This would not only give a full disclosure, but also provide the reviewer of my application an idea of the variety of sites I have worked with in the past. I will be more than happy to disclose those four sites if any editor wants to know. However, I prefer to make that a private disclosure than put the list on this board.





  • 2 months later...

I just got a reply from DMOZ stating my application was declined :-(. But I am surprised I received a reply in three months. Based on some comments on this thread and the announcement about the backlog, I didn’t expect to have my application reviewed for at least six months.


Thank you pvgool for all your prompt replies. Maybe I will join you guys one day in the future. I wish you all the best.


Best regards,



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