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Hi, i have been trying to add a submission but it would seem that it does not seem to accept the entry, i belive i am doing it all the right way and the right catogory?

its a cgi/3d art freelance website of mine with a .co.uk address, this i entered in "Business: Business Services: Design: Graphic Design: Designers: Multi-Discipline: Europe: United Kingdom: England" filled in all the other bits including the real person verifcation hit submit but the page just jumps back to the top and a yellow box just says please select a uk web address? which mine is. there is no confermation on screen to say what i entered has been accepted or wrong, can someone please help,

I am trying to submit my site to Dmoz, however, after I have completed the submission page, i press the submit button and it keeps returning to the submit page with the words in red 'Please select UK Site'. I cannot find anything on the page to select UK site. Can anyone help me.
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This is an unknown message for me.

Can you tell us in which category you tried to suggest the website.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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I have written a message on the DMOZ interanl forum about your problem to get technical people involved as this is an unknown issue for me.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Same thing is happening to me just now. I keep getting "Please select UK Site" in the red "error message" box.


I am submitting to category:


Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Training


The website has a UK domain name: <url removed>.co.uk


Hi There,


Yes I am getting the same thing, Any help please . .


I am submitting to . . .


Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Property: Management


And keep getting this error "Please select UK Site"


It's a .co.uk site.


Many Thanks.

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AOL technical staff has been told about this problem.

We will keep you informed.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


I'm having same problem - /Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Transport/Ships_and_Shipping/


My website on .co.uk

  • Meta

No need to report the same problem again.

AOL technical staff is working on this issue.

Until then it will not be possible to suggest UK websites.

We will post here when the solution is available.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

I also tried on 17th May and have just tried again now in hope that bug would have been fixed but it seems that the error message " Please select UK Site " still appears when you try to submit correctly. Does anyone know when this will be fixed to save me coming back and going through the procedure time and time again. Regards, Alan
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Did you read my previous answer


We will post here when the solution is available.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

@pvgool It would be great if you could update this thread with a time frame for the fix to be created and applied. Thanks, Damien

Sorry to say, but we don't have any timeframe available (yet).


Is that to say currently it is not possible to submit UK sites to DMOZ if they have a .co.uk domain name?

Is that to say currently it is not possible to submit UK sites to DMOZ if they have a .co.uk domain name?

Yes. That's what this thread is about.

Hi i have tried lots of times to post my website <URL removed> on the open directory project.Europe,United Kingdom,Norfolk,Dereham,Accomodation and every time it says use uk .Please can some one tell me what im doing wrong

Good Morning everyone,


I notice this issue has been ongoing since April. I tried to submit a .co.uk site when I put it live on April 16th and had the same error. I thought it was a temporary glitch but since then have been trying at random times to submit sites with no success.


Given the level of severity and the important role DMOZ has in the community, can we please have this escalated.


I do appreciate we (the general public) won't be privy to the communication but at least, this should have regular updates beyond, "we know it's a problem and we're working on it"


I had a look at the communcations on maintenance and there was a "DMOZ Scheduled Maintenance Outage March 11th 2010". Given the proximity of this maintenance slot and the issues being experienced, has this update caused the issue and if it did, what plans are in place to roll back the changes to see the issue resolved and a more appropriate timeframe to review what happened.


Many Thanks,


Joint Plan

<pseudo signature removed>

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Given the level of severity and the important role DMOZ has in the community, can we please have this escalated

1. what might be the highest severity to you or somebodu else might be a minor problem for others

2. DMOZ does not have an important role in the community (this is just a SEO/Wemasters myth)

3. AOL program managers are aware of the issue, nowhere else to escalate to


I do appreciate we (the general public) won't be privy to the communication but at least, this should have regular updates beyond, "we know it's a problem and we're working on it"

As DMOZ editors that is all we know and can answer. We (the DMOZ editors) can ot solve this (or any other technical) issue.


I had a look at the communcations on maintenance and there was a "DMOZ Scheduled Maintenance Outage March 11th 2010". Given the proximity of this maintenance slot and the issues being experienced, has this update caused the issue and if it did, what plans are in place to roll back the changes to see the issue resolved and a more appropriate timeframe to review what happened.

Yes, the latest update (if it was March 11th I do not remember) caused the problem. There will be no roll back. A solution will be implemented in one of the next updates. When that will be is out of our (DMOZ editors) control.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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