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The Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING at the top of this forum tells you the information that we need in order to be able to answer your question. It also tells you the earliest that you can ask it which is July 1st.

I will ask again on July 1st. I don't remember the username I used to apply but I will ask again next week. I hope between then and now I have been contact and I won't need to do so. When I applied I remember reading somewhere that you hear back within 24 hours, this clearly isn't the case anymore it seems.


Thank you for quick reply.

When I applied I remember reading somewhere that you hear back within 24 hours, this clearly isn't the case anymore it seems
That's never been the case. When you apply, the system sends you an automated email that you have to reply to in order to confirm your application. I believe there's a note saying that you should receive that email within 24 hours (and to check your spam folders if you don't receive it) -- that's probably what you're thinking of.

The Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING at the top of this forum tells you the information that we need in order to be able to answer your question. It also tells you the earliest that you can ask it which is July 1st.



It's been 2 weeks since sending my application, I would appreciate if my status can now be checked. I believe I used user name Niaomi, Niaomi26 or niaomishoes. My email is niaomi(at)niaomishoes(dot)com - I applied to this category - http://www.dmoz.org/Arts/Design/Fashion/Accessories/Shoes/


Thank you.


It's awaiting evaluation.




OK, Do you know how long it will be? I believe it's been awaiting evaluation since the moment I submitted it, that response is very genetic and not too helpful. I could have been told that a few days ago when I first enquired.


When should I ask again? Or is there even any point? I'm beginning to believe the time I spent preparing the application would have been better used on something else.

that response is very genetic and not too helpful.


If there was anything further to say, I'd have said it.


This is a volunteer organisation which implies that there are no defined time scales for anything.


The two week embargo on seeking status in this forum is because we used to be swamped by almost immediate enquiries. These consumed volunteer effort that could have been used more usefully - such as in editing or evaluating applications. Most anxious applicants take the trouble to read Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING before posting.


There's no need to ask again because you'll be sent email when a conclusion has been reached. Emails can end up in spam bins so, if you've heard nothing, feel free to ask again in August.

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