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I have applied so many times to become an editor. But every time I got rejected. I have revealed all details regarding my association with my site <URL removed>. Instead I failed to become an editor. I really want to become an editor. Can any one help me.

It's all pretty simple actually:


  • Read FAQ and General Advice at the top of this forum.
  • Provide three good relevant examples with guidelines compliant titles and descriptions.
  • Don't say anything silly such as 'I want to promote my forum and site'.
  • Check your application for spelling and grammatical errors before submitting it.

Would you like to identify my misappropriations in my application. It was applied my be several time before as user rk1041. I have verified the link today. By the way, whether my English writing is bad? Please give your opinion.
I'm not going to re-evaluate your 'many' applications. On each occasion, you were sent general advice and sometimes specific advice too. If you follow my advice above and treat the application as seriously as you would a job application (which is what it is), you should be fine.
By the way, whether my English writing is bad? Please give your opinion.
Judging by your last post here, you would likely have trouble editing in English language categories. But we have categories in a lot of other languages -- you can always apply for a category in your primary language.

Judging by your last post here, you would likely have trouble editing in English language categories. But we have categories in a lot of other languages -- you can always apply for a category in your primary language.

Thank you for your suggestion. But I have no option other than English. Because there is no option for Bengali.


Yes. The sticky Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING thread at the top of this forum tells you the info we need to answer application status questions and the earliest that you can ask them.

Actually I can't remember the exact the category I have applied for. I love Outdoor events such Hiking,Camping,Trekking etc. Last Date I have applied on 16th March'2011 and editor name opted rk1041.Thanks.

  • Meta

Actually I can't remember the exact the category I have applied for. I love Outdoor events such Hiking,Camping,Trekking etc. Last Date I have applied on 16th March'2011 and editor name opted rk1041.Thanks.

On 13 July 2011 you wrote "I have verified the link today."

Sounds to me that your last application was on July 13th. Just a few days ago.

Without the info requested (editor id, category and date) we will not be able to check if it is still waiting (unless one of us wants to spend a lot of time identifying which of many waiting application is yours).

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


It's just been declined and an email sent to you with specific comments.


Last Date I have applied on 16th March'2011

That's incorrect.


I note that you had more than one application open at the same time. Editors are only permitted one account so applying for different categories under different names was a bad idea.


126944 134061 134361


It's just been declined and an email sent to you with specific comments.



That's incorrect.


I note that you had more than one application open at the same time. Editors are only permitted one account so applying for different categories under different names was a bad idea.


126944 134061 134361

Thanks for your valuable suggestion and specific comments. I am going to apply in the Bengali language as promised here.

I am going to apply in the Bengali language as promised here.
I have reapplied for this category

Category link: http://www.dmoz.org/public/apply?cat=Regional/Asia/Regions/Bengal

That is not a Bengali language category. Perhaps my earlier post was unclear. If you want to apply in Bengali and using Bengali sites, you have to apply for a category under http://www.dmoz.org/World/Bangla/, not for an English-language category.


If you haven't heard anything about that application 14 days from now, feel free to come back here to bump this thread and someone will check on the status of it for you. (We won't check before then.)


Well my application is rejected again. Here is the opinion of the reviewer. He wrote well. After many rejection with no specific comment I at least get an reviewer comment. Thanks for the comments.


<application comments removed>


Actually I was confused about the writing language of Bengali section as there is no system of writing in the DMOZ directory in Bengali fonts. However I quit my decision of applying in Bengali language category. My site have no commercial activity. I have opened this site to guide upcoming trekkers and to share knowledge of our experience. Thus I can help people. I have no intention to make sale through my website. I am not a business man. I do hold a Govt. service. I find interest in helping people. This is why I have opened that site.I do not think that my English knowledge is too bad to become a DMOZ editor.But all help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.


Any one want to help me to save me from this situation.

Actually I was confused about the writing language of Bengali section as there is no system of writing in the DMOZ directory in Bengali fonts.
The category appears to use Bengali represented using Latin characters rather than the Bengali font.


.I do not think that my English knowledge is too bad to become a DMOZ editor.
Your English as shown by your posts here and your applications is really insufficient for editing an English language category.


Any one want to help me to save me from this situation.
If you are determined to only edit in an English category, then there really is no help anyone can give you. I would recommend that you suggest your site to the appropriate category and then just move on.
  • Meta

More help is appreciated.

We can give you no more help.

An application must be done by you as we want to see who you are and what you can do.


Did you read the thread FAQ and General Advice


An application must be (these are only general comments)

- honest (who are you, what have you done in the past, why do you want to become editor, with which sites are you affiliated)

- complete (don't try to hide any of the above mentioned information, answer all questions)

- provide (preferably) 3 example websites that could be listed in the category (they should not be listed yet), and write decent titles and descriptions (we are not looking for perfection but if you do understand the guidelines)

- write an application with proper use of the language (spelling and grammar) - again we are not looking for perfection as we all sometimes make mistakes but it must be good - that is why we encourage people to start in their mother language and not in a foreign one

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


I have again applied in the category I love.


Recreation: Outdoors: Hiking: Personal Pages: Trip Reports


User Name: rk1041


Date applied: 19-07-2011



There's no need to tell us whenever you apply. Any meta editor or catmod interested in evaluating Recreation applications will see it in the pool anyway - and very few of them come to this forum.


By all means bump this thread in 14 days to ask for a status check.


I would like ask to "jimnoble". My quality of writing and choice of category has been reviewed and challenged. I have no complain about that. This two sites are listed in the below mentioned category. In those category the entire site should be in Bengali language. But there is no single Bengali font I found except title.Why those site were listed in that category? Are they appropriate? The sites are "http://farnar.com/" and "http://www.fenchugonj.info/". I can tell you so many sites listed in the inappropriate category of DMOZ. I have no objection that could not be a DMOZ editor. But try to keep the reputation of DMOZ.Also I have to say that a site may contain collection of such type of articles that may fall in the different category. At time of reviewing an application this word should be kept in mind.



> World

> Bangla

> Ancholik


Thank you for letting us know about those two sites -- I've removed them. In the future, we have a dedicated thread in the Quality Control forum for reporting those kinds of issues.


Why those site were listed in that category? Are they appropriate?
Mistakes are made. Sites change content over the years. That's why we invite people to report such issues when they find them.

Ok. However I am not satisfied with your answer, because so many times I have been rejected for some silly mistakes. The mistakes I have been made, can easily be ignored. This is why it is not tolerable to me that an English site is found in the Bengali language category. It is not a mistake. It has been done deliberately.

Please consider the motto of an application while reviewing an application. In the present application format there is no such method. Try to develop a form which can give you a clear understanding to understand the motto of an application.


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