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I submitted my site a few years ago and for some reason it disappeared, why might this be?

I do wonder if a competitor is an editor in the category my site was associated in because the sites in the category are lacking.


Despite rumours to the contrary, abuse is pretty rare here and there are several legitimate reasons why a website can be removed from our directory.


  • It's not the kind of website that we list and it should never have been listed in the first place.
  • One of our patrolling robots noticed that it was dysfunctional and removed it from public view for re-evaluation by an editor. The time scale is not defined.
  • An editor noticed that it was listed in the wrong category and moved it to a better one for re-evaluation. The time scale is not defined.

Finally, please note that an ODP listing is neither a right nor guaranteed to be permanent.

What exactly is the point of DMOZ? I have submitted loads of sites over the years and none of them have appeared but this hasn't affected my SEO or SERP at all. I think it's a red herring and is no use to anyone for anything. Never have I needed DMOZ for anything. Can someone tell me what it's meant to be for?
  • Meta

DMOZ is created for people to find information.

In contrast to search engines this information is grouped by subject (which we call categories).

For each subject we list a number of websites.

In the beginning, when the internet was small, DMOZ tried to list all worthwhile websites but during the years we have learned that with the fast growing internet this is and never will be possible. As a result well developed categories with many listed websites will get less attention than small, underdevelopped or new categories.


DMOZ does not provide any service to website owners / developpers. It never had and it never will have.

DMOZ might have had, and even still have, some effect on websites, like SEO and SERP. But such effect isn't and never was our intention.


That is also why you can not "submit" a website. "Submit" would inlcude the meaning that DMOZ is obliged to do something with the submission. The only thing people can do is "suggest" a website. When DMOZ started it was the intention that people would suggest websites they found on the internet. We did not anticipate on the fact that people would massively start developping websites and suggest their websites. "Suggest" can be seen as "Hi DMOZ editor, I have encountered this website on the web and think it is a usefull resource which I would like to share with other people". DMOZ can use those suggestions. But they may also ignore them. We are interested in builing categories not in listing individual websites.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Thanks for the reply. So basically it's just another directory but one that offers no service or value to users, most likely wont list sites "suggested", takes years to list those it does accept.... so again.. what's the point? I can get my sites listed on pretty much any other directory in the world. I have submitted sites to you years ago and they still not listed so why would anyone bother to "suggest" a site to you if there is little or no value from it and you may never even list it anyway?


I'm not being critical just for the sake of it. I'm trying to understand what DMOZ is for and maybe get an idea why you don't list ANY of the sites I've suggested over the years (and there are lots).

I'm trying to understand what DMOZ is


Succinctly, we're a bunch of hobbyists creating a directory for use by surfers and other downstream data users. We're not trying to provide any sort of service to website owners/promoters and, as you point out, we're succeeding in that :).

  • Meta

Thanks for the reply. So basically it's just another directory but one that offers no service or value to users,

We do provide a service to our users.


The problem is that you seem to think that people that suggest websites are the users. They are not. Those people are our providers. They provide a suggestion. For them DMOZ is the user. And suggesting websites is the servive they provide. And to be honest most of the time this service stinks. I think you can imagine how much spam (unwanted suggestions) we do receive. Just look at your own email inbox and than mupltiply that with several 1000.


The users for DMOZ are the people who are looking for information (either directly on DMOZ or through a copy of the directory). And only to them DMOZ provides a service.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

Here's the thing. If you don't see the point in DMOZ's existence (and it's a perfectly valid opinion to have), then you're freed from the need to worry about your sites being listed. It would be great if we could keep on top of all of the listable sites that are in existence at any given time, but realistically that's never going to happen. And so there will always be areas of the directory that see no extended editor activity for months or years at a time. It may well be that the categories that the sites you've suggested belong in are just those kinds of categories.
Thanks for your straight-forward answers. I think you can always count on "providers" suggesting sites, simply because it seems to have an SEO effect, or is assumed to - a check of DMOZ seems common enough for those SEO check points. Also a number of search engines employ DMOZ for their listings. I realize there may be no formal link between search engines and DMOZ. But I would have to say that if there is no effect on sites the original questioner has submitted, I'm at a loss to know why I should bother being concerned with making suggestions of my own sites. It appears to take a lot of time, and yields no benefit.
It actually takes very little time and effort. But, still, no one but you can decide if it's worth that little effort. If it isn't, don't do it.

"But I would have to say that if there is no effect on sites the original questioner has submitted, I'm at a loss to know why I should bother being concerned with making suggestions of my own sites." - This was exactly my point. Why bother submitting if it's of zero benefit? Especially as there is a 99% chance it wont be listed anyway! Or if it is, it may take years!


The sites I have submitted are for European real-estate, personal trainers, natural body products, web designers and many others. All have top/p1 placing on google and high traffic so I don't understand why DMOZ would consider it not list-worthy.


But thanks to all who answered! I now know what it's for - I will probably continue to submit sites as it's part of my SEO practices. I'll let you know if any of my sites EVER appear here :rolleyes:

The sites I have submitted are for European real-estate, personal trainers, natural body products, web designers and many others. All have top/p1 placing on google and high traffic so I don't understand why DMOZ would consider it not list-worthy.
And all are excruciating topics to edit, so they aren't perhaps edited as much or as often as other topics. (Real estate, travel, gambling, and health product categories are probably among the most spammed categories in the entire directory.) Placement in Google or amount of traffic is really irrelevant to a site being listed in the directory.
  • 2 weeks later...

my site <url removed> got somehow removed from Dmoz . can anyone guide if I can get it listed bacl . I did submitted again several time but no success. Plz advice




<url removed>

  • Meta
Your question is the same as the original poster asked. The fact that it is about a different website does not make it a different question. As a result the answer is also the same as given in item 2 by jimnnoble.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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