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Hi all,


I applied to be a ODP editor on the 10th March 2011.


The catergory was: http://www.dmoz.org/Sports/Martial_Arts/Kung_Fu/Wing_Chun/Schools_and_Instruction/Europe/United_Kingdom/


Username: Todai


I received an email dated the 28th July 2011 saying my application had been succesful, however I am unable to login.


I am almost certain I am putting in the right username and password, although originally I did have problems getting the editor application form to process.


I have tried to login with the editor login, also the help forums and password reset link, but none accept my details.


Any help would be much appreciated,


Kind regards.




Your editor name isn't Todai.


If you still have your acceptance email, you should find the actual username and password towards the top:


Welcome to the Open Directory Project!


Your editor login has been approved and created.


username: xxxxxxxxx

password: xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Editing in the ODP is a fun and interesting experience. Below are some pointers to help you get started.


etc. etc.


If you don't have it, bump this thread and I'll send you a PM.


Thank you for your quick reply, I still have my acceptance email (pasted top bit below), but no mention of username or email at the top,


I would be very greatful if you could PM me please,


Kind regards,






Welcome to the Open Directory Project!


Your editor login has been approved and created for the username . If at any time you forget your password, just click on the reset password link located at http://www.dmoz.org/public/forgetpass/.

Editing in the ODP is a fun and interesting experience. Below are some pointers to help you get started.



Getting Started



To log in, click on the "Editor Login" link in the upper right hand corner of the main Open Directory page at http://www.dmoz.org/

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be at your Editor's Dashboard.


Jolly good :).


In accordance with this forum's policies and to avoid confusion, I've changed your forum username to wingchun and you should have received email about that. Your password here should still be OK.

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