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I have applied to become an editor in DOMZ. But after almost seven days there are still no replies from the website.

I did receive the email address verification, couple of hours after registering.


Here is the verification email that was sent to me.



-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Open Directory Editor Application

Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 20:38:29 -0400 (EDT)

From: noreply@dmoz.org

To: mailaddress**@gmail.com



The Open Directory Project (DMOZ) has received an application to become an Editor from this Email Address.

If this is correct, please allow us to verify your Email Address by clicking on the below link.




If you have not applied to become an Editor, please ignore this message.


Thank you,


Administration for the Open Directory Project




I copied the link and verified my email, but I am yet to hear from DMOZ with the status of my application.

When ever I try to login, it says that the user needs email verification inorder to login, by which I am assuming that I got accepted. Please advice if I am wrong.


Any kind help will be appreciated.



Arifur Rahman

  • RZ Admin
If you are accepted you will receive a welcome letter letting you know that your account has been established and you can login and start editing. Once 14 days have passed you can check on the status of your application in the Become an Editor forum here at Resource-Zone.
Curlie Admin photofox
When ever I try to login, it says that the user needs email verification inorder to login, by which I am assuming that I got accepted. Please advice if I am wrong.
That's a bad assumption. It means quite the opposite, that your application is either waiting for review or has been rejected.


I copied the link and verified my email, but I am yet to hear from DMOZ with the status of my application.
It can take several weeks or longer for an application to be reviewed. You can inquire about the status of your application once at least 14 days have passed since you applied (i.e. after at least a week from right now) -- just go to the Becoming an Editor forum (make sure you read the stickied thread at the top of the forum for the information we'll require from you in order to find out your application's status_.

That's a bad assumption. It means quite the opposite, that your application is either waiting for review or has been rejected.


It can take several weeks or longer for an application to be reviewed. You can inquire about the status of your application once at least 14 days have passed since you applied (i.e. after at least a week from right now) -- just go to the Becoming an Editor forum (make sure you read the stickied thread at the top of the forum for the information we'll require from you in order to find out your application's status_.



Thank you for your help.



Arifur Rahman

  • 2 weeks later...


I have applied to become an editor in DOMZ. But after almost seventeen days there are still no replies from the website.

I did receive the email address verification, couple of hours after registering.

I posted a similar post a week ago and I was told that I can check for the status after 14 days. So I am here to check the progress of my application.





Arifur Rahman


Threads merged to improve clarity and to make life easier for us and for you.


If you provide the info required by the sticky Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING thread at the top of this forum, we'll be happy to help you when we can.


However, the systems are limping badly at the moment and are pretty much unusable. AOL's engineers are working on the problem but we can't predict when things will be back to normal :(.


Threads merged to improve clarity and to make life easier for us and for you.


If you provide the info required by the sticky Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING thread at the top of this forum, we'll be happy to help you when we can.


However, the systems are limping badly at the moment and are pretty much unusable. AOL's engineers are working on the problem but we can't predict when things will be back to normal :(.


Please advice what kind of information is required?



  • Meta

Please advice what kind of information is required?



You quoted the answer yourself

If you provide the info required by the sticky Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING thread at the top of this forum

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • RZ Admin

From the thread mentionned above:


In the body of your post, include the following:

a clickable link to the dmoz.org category you applied to edit. The simplest way to do this is to copy and paste the ODP category you submitted to (i.e. http://www.dmoz.org/....).

the editorname that you used on your application.

the date that you last applied.[note: see the date requirement below]

Wait a minimum of 14 days after the day that you submitted your latest application to start a thread here asking about its status.


elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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