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Hi there;


I sent a dmoz editor application form a long time ago. But I have not recieved an answer from dmoz. When I tried to send a new application form I saw that my old application is still valid. And then I tried to login dmoz with my username ''omeren'' I saw this message 'User needs an email address verification before the user can login.'


I know my application is waiting for your confirmation.


My username is omeren


My category is







Parts and Accessories


Please help me..

(Editing message - ops I'm sorry, my application date is 17/07/2011)

Best Regards


It's awaiting evaluation by a volunteer meta editor or catmod. We can't predict when that might be.


Ok, I see..


Thanks a lot but must we have a standart evaluation time? İf he evaluate this in one year , must we wait one year?

  • Meta

There is no standard time.

Editor applications are normaly reviewed within a few days or weeks.

But for languages that are not spoken by many editors it might take more time.

Also holiday season and other outside acitvities might influence the time.

Those Meta editors who review applications are also volunteers.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


There is no standard time.

Editor applications are normaly reviewed within a few days or weeks.

But for languages that are not spoken by many editors it might take more time.

Also holiday season and other outside acitvities might influence the time.

Those Meta editors who review applications are also volunteers.


if we know those catmods or volunteres are joining and reviewing applications it's not problem.. but what if they will not be online on dmoz? Because I heard that many applications are waiting for reviewing if it's true..


Ok no problem.. I can wait.. I have more time :) thank you.. bye

  • 4 weeks later...

What? All ~200 of them away at the same time? Unlikely.



it'S almost 1 month past again :) and I'm waiting for application evaluation :) total awaiting time : 2 months and a week


it is not a normal thing I think...

  • Meta

Ofcourse we prefer shorter times but for languages where we do not have many meta editors such times can happen.

Please remember that the meta editors who review applications are also volunteers who spend as much (or less) time as they personaly want.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Ofcourse we prefer shorter times but for languages where we do not have many meta editors such times can happen.

Please remember that the meta editors who review applications are also volunteers who spend as much (or less) time as they personaly want.



I see.. Bu we talk about 2 months and a week .. if a volunteer can not spend a week time in 2 months and a week he mustn't be volunteer.. He can not be a meta editor... it likes a joke...


Ofcourse we prefer shorter times but for languages where we do not have many meta editors such times can happen.

Please remember that the meta editors who review applications are also volunteers who spend as much (or less) time as they personaly want.


I only wanna do something for dmoz.. I only wanna work for dmoz.. thats all... not any other reason... but it's so upsetting for me to wait that empty... I'm a student at the university.. And I was at holiday likes your volunteers.. bu I connected and I try to do something..


anyway.. I'll wait an answer.. positive of negative..


best regards..

  • Meta
. if a volunteer can not spend a week time in 2 months and a week he mustn't be volunteer..

And why not? Even if an editor or meta is able to help with just a single hour per month, thats one hour more than without him/her.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




And why not? Even if an editor or meta is able to help with just a single hour per month, thats one hour more than without him/her.


I'm just talking about same you told.. İf a volunteer can spend one hour in a month he can evaluate or preview application what he must do.. surely we don't have only one meta editor.

  • Meta

surely we don't have only one meta editor.

No there are many more than one, but there are lots of tasks to do for the hands that are willing to do them.


I for example spent 3 hours processing permission requests of existing editors this week, which allowed me to process about five requests, including the necessary research. I did mentoring of three of our editors, which took me more than an hour each. Due to every meta editor being a normal editor as well, I spend about 2 hours processing some update requests and a few site suggestions in my pet categories. Due to me donating my time as a volunteer, I chose not to spend any time on new editor applications. Which might not please you, but it did please me this week. :-)

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • 4 weeks later...

No there are many more than one, but there are lots of tasks to do for the hands that are willing to do them.


I for example spent 3 hours processing permission requests of existing editors this week, which allowed me to process about five requests, including the necessary research. I did mentoring of three of our editors, which took me more than an hour each. Due to every meta editor being a normal editor as well, I spend about 2 hours processing some update requests and a few site suggestions in my pet categories. Due to me donating my time as a volunteer, I chose not to spend any time on new editor applications. Which might not please you, but it did please me this week. :-)


Dear windharp;


I respect you and your sacrifice. I really appreciate for your kindness.. But today is 19/10/2011... And I'm still waiting for an answer.. İt's 3 months and 2 days... Please tell me.. is it normal? if you really think that is normal I'll tell ''ok buddy..'' But you know, everyone knows that it is not a normal condition..


once upon a time dear pvgool has answered one of my question and he told me that ''pvgool, on 25 August 2011 - 09:55 AM, said:

There is no standard time.

Editor applications are normaly reviewed within a few days or weeks.

But for languages that are not spoken by many editors it might take more time.

Also holiday season and other outside acitvities might influence the time.

Those Meta editors who review applications are also volunteers.''


Now days? weeks? one month? two? no.. there is more then three months.. And now it's not a holiday season in turkey..


Ok I know that editors are volunteres.. But the system must be running.. If there is insufficant editor, somebody must do something to make better.. it's not for me.. it's for dmoz.. I'm one person.. it's not very important to be an editor or not to be... But dmoz is more then me and you... It's a big problem for dmoz I think..


best regards..

  • RZ Admin

For an auction or personals site it would be bad to take so long to review an application, but for us it is normal. Don't get me wrong, we would like to review the same hour or day, but volumes, procedure and structure make that impossible.

And now it's not a holiday season in turkey..
We are international, so there is bound to be a holiday somewhere today. ;)

Seriously, pvgool's and windharp's posts explained that editors do much as they like, within the guidelines - it's just a hobby. :moz:

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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