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I wasn't going to post here any time soon and was wondering if an outcome was decided, and unknowingly the email didn't come through to me or something.


My details are on the top of this page(1st post)


Thanks guys.


Hey again, i just bought two domains couple of hours ago.

I'm a bit confused whether it will effect my application :S

If so, what suggestions can you give?


Your application in the name of ghufran1 was declined on Monday and this message was sent to your email address.


Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor! Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is already well represented, or is broader than we typically assign to a new editor. We would encourage you to re-apply for a category that has fewer editors or is smaller in scope, in order to increase your chances of being accepted.


Feel free to reapply by submitting an application in another area. If you wish to re-apply, you must fill out another application. Please do not reply to this email.


Reviewer comments:


As we told you last time, you may want to consider applying for a less spam-prone category.


I've been rejected for the fourth time, the most recent one was today. :p


The last two applications were according to my past reviewers advice and had barely any listings in them.


Yes, you guys don't discuss application rejections, but what category should i be applying for? Under 3 listed sites?


As this was my fourth rejection, i fear i would be told not to apply ever again. :(



I am completely clueless on what to do now.

  • RZ Admin
FYI the "Spam-prone" refers to the number of sites suggested and their quality (lack thereof), not the number of listed sites...

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


Naa Elper, i went for categories which were almost dead, like the most recent one was home safety and security, the one before that was outdoor parks.

These were the most recent i applied for, if they are spam-prone, i will be more than happy to volunteer for any category which is not spam-prone and gets the least suggestion.


It's a bit tough for me to know which categories get less suggestions, fearing the next application might well be my last.


Home safety and security categories are terribly spam-prone (e.g. tons of sites set up to drop-ship products from the main companies in the field) and so are bad categories for a new editor.


"Almost dead" categories frequently are categories that are dead because there are few sites that belong there, either because most of the sites relevant to that topic belong somewhere else in the directory (e.g. http://www.dmoz.org/Recreation/Outdoors/Parks/ -- park sites are generally listed in Regional so there are few sites that would ever be listed in Recreation/Outdoors/Parks) or because most of the sites on the topic are unlistable (e.g. those dropshipper-using sites I mentioned previously).


Ahhh, now i get it.


When i initially applied for dmoz.org/...Outdoors/Parks/, i couldn't even find many sites to list within it, i then thought of applying where i could find a decent amount of sites but had a few listing in that category, found Home safety & security, but i was clueless on whether it attracted a lot of suggestions or not.



I've been trying for a couple of days and it's very hard for me to find such a category. I believe they are hiding somewhere, way beneath the top level categories :p


But I will try my best to find a category that complies with both your suggestions.


For /Recreation/Travel/Specialty_Travel/Mystery/, i'm having a bit of difficulty whether i should suggest sites which give information on mysterious places around the world or which give mystery travel packages (e.g. those sites who provide packages and tours to unknown destinations).


For both of them i feel this is the best category but just wanted to make sure of it, so i do not have any problems in my application.


Thanks Jim, but i thought it was vice-versa, anyways you obviously you know more than i do.

I have already submitted the application a few hours ago, i'll wait for it to get rejected and then try for an other category. :)


I've declined it for you. [141259]


Amongst other things, we expect applicants to demonstrate that they understand the category that they're requesting. It's best to be sure of that before choosing examples. Editing is a logical activity and guesswork is not encouraged :).


I'm trying my best :).

Last night it took me three exasperating hours to find a category, and it turned out i totally misunderstood that category :(.


After all the reviewers suggestions, my options have narrowed down dramatically.


I will have a good look at the categories at night, searching for the ones i have a fairly good amount of knowledge, and comply with all the previous suggestion along with it.


Thank you for rejecting the application on my request, sincerely appreciated :).

  • 4 weeks later...


My apologizes for bumping this thread so early, but i thought you guys might have missed this post, so i decided to go ahead and bump it.


Most probably it's still awaiting evaluation, but the last time i got rejected the email did not go through and it was helpful to ask here.

So just out of curiosity posting here today.



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey again,


If anyone could be kind enough to check the status of my application, i would really appreciate it.



Category- /Recreation/Travel/Specialty_Travel/Supernatural/


Editor Name - Ghufran or Ghufran1


Date Applied - 14th November 2011


By the way, i wasn't counting the 14 days to pass and to make another status request, rather it was coincidence that i was free and decided to have a look at this forum noticing that exactly 14 days had passed. :) (Only if you were thinking, "Damn, this guy would never stop asking for status requests every fourteen days.")


The 14 day rule from application date was implemented because applicants were enquiring the same day that they applied - a waste of time for everyone.


Once an applicant has checked the first time s/he knows that we that we have it. We very rarely discard applications without telling the applicant why so there's no need to keep asking every 14 days. 30 days is a more reasonable interval.


To avoid spam trap issues at your end, you might want to whitelist all mail from the dmoz.org domain


Hey Jim,

The 2nd application in which i got rejected, an email was not sent to me, neither in my inbox nor spam folder.


Posting here made me aware that i had been rejected.

I really have no issue in not posting here for a status inquiry, but as i said my 2nd applications verdict wasn't notified through my email.


Anyways, i'm sorry, shouldn't have posted here.

I'll rather check my email every once in a while. :)

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