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I have applied to become a DMOZ Editor under user name "lokiby" on September 13.

It's been almost a month with no reply. May I know the status of the application?

Thank you!

  • Meta

could you tell us, as requested, for which category you made the request

that would make it much easier for us to find the request

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • 5 weeks later...
They're related but not identical. The Video Games category functions like a subcategory of the Games-level category, which is why it is @linked to from that level. Games/Video_Games/Developers_and_Publishers/Independent_Developers is for independent developers of only (or primarily) video games; Games/Developers_and_Publishers/Independent_Developers is for independent developers of multiple game types or of non-video-game game types that don't have their own Developers_and_Publishers/Independent_Developers/ subcategories.
  • 2 months later...
  • RZ Admin
It's still awaiting review. Editing (including reviewing applications) is a hobby activity, so the delays are unpredictable.

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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