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Submission Status: www.lodgix.com

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Guest bkleinhe

About 12 months ago I submitted my site: www.lodgix.com to Business:Small Business: Startups. I waited 8 months per the advice of others. 4 months ago, I resubmitted to the same category and have not yet received a response.


My site is a valid, no spam, highly ranked, profitable site with thousands of happy customers. Any suggestions?


Thanks so much,


Brent M. Kleinheksel

Owner, Lodgix.com


My first suggestion, without even looking at the site, is that you don't bother to tell us how good it is. We'll look for ourselves when reviewing it.


My second suggestion is that you follow the instructions in the post at the top of this forum, the one with "READ BEFORE POSTING" in its title. Those instructions are designed to make our status lookups fast and easy.


There are some editors who will take the time to reformat the request for you. I'm one of the lazier ones who won't.


A submission in Business/Small_Business/Marketing was moved to Business/Small_Business/Start_Up which got rejected from review - I'm not sure of the exact reason. This was early last year.


Since then various duplicate submissions have been deleted from Business/Small_Business and Business/Small_Business/Resources


So, the result of all this activity is that the site awaits review in http://dmoz.org/Business/Small_Business/Resources/ along with over 500 other sites.


The prognosis is not good for a quick review, given the number of sites. Patience is about all I can offer as advice. Please do not submit it to another category, as editors have already determined that this the most likely best fit for the site.


I would wait several months before enquiring about this submission again.


I'm sorry the news isn't better.

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