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I was an editor a long time ago and now I want to get back into it. I no longer have access to my old email address and I do not know my old password.


What do I need to do?


I applied and they pointed me to this forum for help.


Whilst we usually welcome returning ex editors, we are insistent that they come back under their original identities. That you've forgotten some of your login details or you no longer have access to your original email account are merely stumbling blocks, not show stoppers.


Please contact me via http://www.dmoz.org/public/sendemail?editor=jimnoble (Don't use any other method) with as much corroborative information as you can such as:-


Approximate date joined

Editor name (but not password)

Real Name

Original email address

Joining category

Additional categories gained

Roughly how many edits done

Approximate date of leaving and the circumstances


Convince me that you are who you say you are and I can reset your email address of record to one that works today. This will make it possible for you to request a password reminder and complete a reinstatement request form.


Hmm - I defiantly had an editor account a long time ago - Can you look under my name?


I never filled out the reinstatement form because I do not remember my password or have access to my old email address.


I defiantly was an editor and I am almost positive it was under KBRKAL


Can I PM you my name to check?

I never filled out the reinstatement form because I do not remember my password or have access to my old email address

So why did you previously abort our assistance process by saying I just submitted that form and Did you get the submitted form :(?


Because of those, I'd deleted your detailed email to me unread. By all means send it again.


I am not able to get the password reset emails. I am using gmail and nothing is sent to my email or spam folder.


Any idea how I can get the password reset?


I've just asked for a PW reminder for myself and the email came through almost immediately.


Had you thought of checking your spam filters and, better yet, whitelisting messages from the dmoz.org domain?

  • RZ Admin

For Gmail, just create a filter matching sender dmoz.org and select "never send to spam"

I've never had a problem with them for dmoz, but for ebay it's a different story ;)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


I created the filter and I went to http://www.dmoz.org/public/forgetpass/ and I entered my username skatelords and hit submit and it displays : An email has been sent to your mailbox. Please check your email.


I just checked my gmail account and nothing is there, even checked spam folder.


I am technical as I can program so it defiantly seems like there is a bug of some kind. Maybe its because my account was deactivated? Not sure. Any ideas?


I want to get my account reinstated but I cant fill out the reinstatement form without the current password.


I can see that he managed to seek reinstatement OK by using the same procedures. He too uses a Gmail address.


I'm seeing no evidence for a bug at our end. However, I'll report this incident to AOL's system operators who will be able to investigate in time.


Please try again in a month by when the matter will hopefully be resolved. Do not be tempted to try and bypass our one account per editor rule.

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