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Hi guys


Love the DMOZ, love the work you guys do, I'm trying to become an editor and with each passing application I am growing weary as I am just filling in the same details over and over again.


I am being continually told I'm wanted as an editor but the category is too big or small.

The last rejection mail told me I had to narrow my focus that the category was too big but the comment said the category is too small to learn to edit.


Can the people approving applications now use discretion and perhaps drop a mail to the person saying look it's too small, we'd like your involvement, mail back with other categories a little bigger or small and we'll finalise things.


Seems a lot easier than submitting an application over and over and over again but not getting anywhere because each time you follow the direction some else small is wrong with the application. Would love to help but I don't see how in this day and age this process is clever or forward thinking.




meta editors and catmods (who process applications) have only one way of creating an account - from an application form. There is no other available method.


Also, be aware that many applications are declined because the form was filled out incompletely.


Your suggestion might save a little of your time if you keep retrying but it would need AOL developer effort and that is in very short supply right new.


My best suggestion? Save the form page before sending :).


The last rejection mail told me I had to narrow my focus that the category was too big but the comment said the category is too small to learn to edit
We have only a few boilerplate responses and 'too small' isn't one of them. In your case, I see that the reviewer comment explained that the category is too small.

meta editors and catmods (who process applications) have only one way of creating an account - from an application form. There is no other available method.


Also, be aware that many applications are declined because the form was filled out incompletely.


Your suggestion might save a little of your time if you keep retrying but it would need AOL developer effort and that is in very short supply right new.


My best suggestion? Save the form page before sending :).


We have only a few boilerplate responses and 'too small' isn't one of them. In your case, I see that the reviewer comment explained that the category is too small.


I know I'm just feeling like I can't win. This one is too small. The one with 117 is too large. I'm trying to start with a category I know inside out but there is no flexibility or discussion, I can probably handle the one with 117 entries, also surely there is no harm starting me in the one with 7 and letting me move on to other categories as I proove capable.


Will try another application now. Wish I had saved it :(

  • RZ Admin
Without having checked your particular case: If there are no suitable categories for new editors in a topical branch, pick a Regional category to start off in. Once you are editor and have accomplished a few edits following the guidelines, you'll be able to request additional permissions in the category you want. :2cents:

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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