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Editor adds his own site but what about sites like mine and other sites that added their links before him? I was there as dmoz started in the late 90s and over time things have degraded. It's hard to be an editor...you have your own life work and then you need to contribute some of your time to add/decline new sites to a category. I understand it's hard...that's why some editors ignore a category for years. In my opinion, if an editor does not do work for 6 months they should be dropped.


That's not my issue though...my issue is when a competitor signs up for a category and adds his own site ahead of others. I added my site with no promotional language, keyword stuffing or explanation marks long ago. I posted to the right category. I waited patiently. Then comes a guy who becomes editor - keyword stuffs and adds his own site and to boot puts in an explanation mark even though no one else has this in their descriptions.


As soon as I complain to editor about his link he then covers his tracks and takes down the explanation mark. My site is still not approved but my theory - no proof is he finally added other competitive links but out of spite - my theory - he still does not add mine. Again, I make no accusations - I can only theorize - I could be totally wrong but my opinion is this is absolutely not fair and goes against everything the original dmoz stands for.


Could a high editor look into this possible problem? There must be log files that proves my theories.




In an unrelated category I added another demographics site link - my site is professional and quite unique. The site looks good and for several years, there is still no link while one of my competitors has 10 plus links.


Thanks for the heads up. An anomaly within the category has been ummm rectified. I have not attempted to process any of the huge number of websites awaiting evaluation there.


my issue is when a competitor signs up for a category and adds his own site ahead of others

You should be aware that we don't necessarily process listing suggestions in date order. Indeed, we often go and find websites for ourselves. Failure to list a website within the time scale desired by its owner is not editorial abuse.


Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


Oh, and please stop suggesting your websites to different categories. It's against our T&C, increases editorial workload needlessly and contributes to an overall processing slowdown for everybody.


Thank you for keeping dmoz honest. Sorry about suggesting under a few categories - I did this because I figured the first category editor just did not want to participate anymore and was trying to get noticed. Still, big no no and I understand. I also understand that it could take months or years - good to know that there is honesty though...really makes me feel good about dmoz.


About a year ago I applied to become an editor - forgot which category (did not receive e-mail confirmation)- but I applied once. I would like to edit a category I have known for the past 15 years - would not edit daily but I could see myself updating monthly.

I noticed the editor is back - I'm worried now that I will be the victim of retaliation (not listing my site while listing other legitimate applications) for reporting him? Please ignore the reply above this...I see there is a category to inquire about editor applications.
I noticed the editor is back

The listed editor never left.


Failure to list a suggested website is not editorial abuse. Declining to list a website and removing it from the evaluation pool without good reason is.

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