shubh Posted July 18, 2012 Posted July 18, 2012 More than 3 months are going to be passed. But website is still not added. As i listen some where, submit the website in DMOZ is not an easy way. How much time should i wait. I am some much confuse where should i ask this.
jimnoble Posted July 18, 2012 Posted July 18, 2012 You could have started by reading other threads here . You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them. Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one. In short, don't wait for us: Get on with other means of promoting your website.
GreenGeek Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 I'm in the same boat here submitted my site, dozen times first time 6 month ago and never heard anything from, on the last time I changed category because current editors only add companies that they work for. Looks like the only way to add you site is to become an editor. There is no such thing as fair competition, corporations took over of everything.
Meta pvgool Posted July 24, 2012 Meta Posted July 24, 2012 > I'm in the same boat here Let's see. same situation. Same answer. "Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years." > submitted my site, dozen times first time 6 month ago also already answered "There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one." > and never heard anything from, As we never send emails to peple who suggest websites not hearing from DMOZ is what you should expect. > on the last time I changed category You are specifcaly asked to suggest a website only to the ONE best category. Other suggestions are SPAM. And we do not like spammers. > because current editors only add companies that they work for. If you have any prove please contact me by PM. But if you are only venting your frustration please stop accusing editors. Such behaviour does only tell more about yourself than it does about DMOZ and its editors. > Looks like the only way to add you site is to become an editor. People who are only interested in becoming an editor to list their own site will not be accepted. And it they manage to slip through the proces will be caught soon and than they, and their websites, will be removed (for ever). I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
GreenGeek Posted July 24, 2012 Posted July 24, 2012 >"Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years." Why so long? because of denying to many professional editors there are nobody to do the work? It would make sense somehow, but i see the websites added to directory that are only existed 3 month or less. > "There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one." I guess in this case at least i would improve before being submitted, but point taken. >As we never send emails to people who suggest websites not hearing from DMOZ is what you should expect. Not even when they are dined? how would we know if we need to resubmit again? That makes no sense. What i actually meant that sites that i submitted have never been added, which is easy to check. >You are specifically asked to suggest a website only to the ONE best category. Other suggestions are SPAM. And we do not like spammers. The reason i submitted to the different category because more suitable category has appeared, but way off to my site. Because similar sites submitted there too and there is no other category I've had to submit there as well. Dmoz used to have a nice well designed structure but not anymore i guess. Looks like at dmoz there are a big lack of proper directories and people created some on top of existed as subcategories in different places same type, which has created a mess. Do not blame people who cant find proper category to submit their site. It has happened because editors were so eager to submit target specific sites that they did not bother to make proper categories, at least that how I see it. And Im not accusing someone specific but if i could see it by just browsing for 5 min, how come administrators couldn't see it over so many years? > If you have any prove please contact me by PM. >But if you are only venting your frustration please stop accusing editors. Such behavior does only tell more about yourself than it does about DMOZ and its editors. It is obvious to me because sites that submitted at the top have more fraud complains than they have customers, but the companies that are doing host business or service ether not in directory at or all way at the bottom. But i guess by defrauding people they make so much money so they can get away with everything - too bit to fail. For instance e_bay does not need to be there, does it? On every other search on Google e_bay, Amazon etc always at the top of first page, at least in N. America. > People who are only interested in becoming an editor to list their own site will not be accepted. And it they manage to slip through the process will be caught soon and than they, and their websites, will be removed (for ever). Agree, that how it's suppose to be.
Meta pvgool Posted July 24, 2012 Meta Posted July 24, 2012 GreenGeek said: >As we never send emails to people who suggest websites not hearing from DMOZ is what you should expect. Not even when they are dined? how would we know if we need to resubmit again? That makes no sense. What i actually meant that sites that i submitted have never been added, which is easy to check. You can check if a site will be rejected before you suggest a site. Just read the guidelines. If a site got rejected we do not want to be it suggested again. Nothing can change a non listable website to become listable. Except a complete new website using the same url, but that would be a different website not a change to the old non-listable website. Quote >You are specifically asked to suggest a website only to the ONE best category. Other suggestions are SPAM. And we do not like spammers. The reason i submitted to the different category because more suitable category has appeared, but way off to my site. Because similar sites submitted there too and there is no other category I've had to submit there as well. Dmoz used to have a nice well designed structure but not anymore i guess. Looks like at dmoz there are a big lack of proper directories and people created some on top of existed as subcategories in different places same type, which has created a mess. Do not blame people who cant find proper category to submit their site. It has happened because editors were so eager to submit target specific sites that they did not bother to make proper categories, at least that how I see it. And Im not accusing someone specific but if i could see it by just browsing for 5 min, how come administrators couldn't see it over so many years? There can be categories that seem the same but they are not. DMOZ is in fact a combination of several directories. We have directories for each language. And each language has a directory structure by Topic and one by Region. Categories in Topic may seem similar to categories in Regional, but they are not the same. If you found categories that are located at the wrong place please let us know. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
majidkh Posted July 25, 2012 Posted July 25, 2012 I agree that its hobby, however it is now a major factor for SEO and those who got their websites listed are moving up in the Google and giving them competitive advantage. This is unfair for those appropriate websites which are struggling to get listed. I found it challenging but the issue is the delay and being kept in the dark, so I don't know if my site is still pending or refused, should I add it again or should I checking back again? I found this a bit odd but thats my personal opinion.
jimnoble Posted July 25, 2012 Posted July 25, 2012 We have no interest in SEO which is the very antithesis of what we're about. An ODP listing might have provided some boost last century but I doubt if that's true today. It's not going to make money fall from the sky. You can of course check for yourself whether or not your website is listable by dispassionately evaluating it against our editorial guidelines. Listable sites are listed eventually. Unlistable sites aren't. Our T&C forbid resubmission for no obvious reason.Resubmissions overwrite older ones which can be disadvantageous. Done to excess, they can get you marked as a spammer - and we treat spammers the same way that you do.
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