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Hello all, there does not seem to be an active admin updater of the Metal Detecting categories as many sites are dead links and have been that way for months possibly years.

I would like an addition into one of these categories and submitted weeks ago but feel its not likely every to get approved from the situation of an which appears to be an absent updater etc.

What are my options from here if any ?

Best regards


  • RZ Admin

Option 1 - Just wait - there are several hundred editors with permissions to edit throughout the directory, so someone will look sooner or later.

Option 2 - Become an editor - We are always interested in joining people who can work objectively, owning a site which is listable in the category does not bar you.


elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


Hello elper, today I decided to become an editor and I had a reply stating this right at the very end of all the default text...


Reviewer Comments:

Only 1 non-associated URL suggested.


Now to be honest I did list one of my url`s but there was actually 2 non-associated urls apart from mine but I can see where the admin made a mistake.

Basically I listed my personal websites of which one was <URL removed> and the other was <URL removed> and when I filled out the form to say what websites would I recommend I added these.


First was my website <URL removed> and the second was an american forum which is not my own but <URL removed> which you could say is pretty much a rival to my UK and European .co.uk forum but I was honestly surprised not to see such an established long term forum not in the ODP and the only thing I could do is the right thing and suggest it. To proof my point my forum ending .co.uk is already in the ODP and has been for a couple of years.


What has happened the admin had looked but not observed and thought I was adding my own website forum ending .co.uk and not .com which I listed.


Would you have access to these details ? or are they immediately deleted.

Looking at the above I can see the confusion as it starts to confuse me lol.

Thanks for your time



We don't discuss declined applications. My best advice to you is to apply again with at least two root URL examples that aren't associated with you in any way and bear in mind the entirety of our rejection email before sending it.


There's no point in re-evaluating your original application because we don't have any means of reverting the decision.

My best advice to you is to apply again with at least two root URL examples that aren't associated with you in any way


Hello jimnoble, this is basically my frustration as I did add two root url`s that were not in anyway associated with me, both urls read the same but one is .com and one is .co.uk which is owned by me.

The person who validated my application basically did not notice the domain ending.

Never mind I appreciated your time and your feedback and I will apply again at a later date.

Best regards to all



Hello all, today I decided to submit a New application to the ODP :)

Unfortunately when I received the verification email with the enclosed verification link which when I clicked it I got a page with this error " Not a valid key"

Is this just a glitch or something I have overlooked?

Best regards



Sorry all must of been some kind of glitch my end as after trying it a few more times it went though. :)

Best regards


  • 2 weeks later...
If you're referring to our directory and our search, search for domain.tld without any http or www prefixes (eg google.com). The search is buggy and might show that the site is listed when it used to be but has subsequently been removed.
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