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Hello all, I put in an application around a month ago and have not heard anything to date, if someone could please check out my application that would be greatly appreciated.

I basically applied for the various Metal Detecting Categories.

Best regards to all.



Hello and my apologies for not checking the Read Before Posting section.


These I believe are the details required below...


  • a clickable link to the dmoz.org category you applied to edit.= http://www.dmoz.org/Recreation/Outdoors/Metal_Detecting/
  • the editorname that you used on your application = my editor name was mrix
  • the date that you last applied.[note: see the date requirement below] = application made on the 6th September

Best regards


  • Meta

The details you provided are not 100% correct (it was a subcat from the one you mentioned, and the date was the 4th) but it enabled me to find the application.

It is waiting evaluation



I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

The details you provided are not 100% correct


Hello pvgool, you are correct, I basically deleted the email explaining my application had been received by mistake so I could not be that precise with the date unfortunately, and yes originally it was for the sub category.

I would like a main category though as almost all of the sub categories have issues with dead urls, websites that are now pure none related advertising and other issues.

Best regards


  • RZ Admin
We always join new editors to smaller categories first, so once you get the hang of editing, you can apply for extended privileges, either to parent categories or elsewhere in the directory.

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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