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If you want to suggest a website to DMOZ (notice spelling)

you will have to do the following

1. visit DMOZ http://www.dmoz.org/

2. find the one best category for the website, either drill down the directory structure or do a search for the subject of the website

3. click suggest url link at the top of the category page and fill out the form

More detailed info can be found on http://www.dmoz.org/docs/en/add.html

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • RZ Admin
To simplify things, the two topics merged here :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

I submitted it weeks ago and never got a confirmation back again


Yes you did. The final screen of the transaction said:-


Your site submission has been received.


An editor will review your submission for inclusion in the directory.


Once your site has been accepted into the Open Directory, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your site to be listed on partner sites which use the Open Directory data, such as AOL Search, AltaVista, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Netscape Search, etc. We make updates of the data available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule.


Consider becoming an editor and maintaining a category. The Open Directory has a comprehensive set of tools for adding, deleting, and updating links in seconds. For just a few minutes of your time you can help make the Web a better place, and be recognized as an expert on your chosen topic.

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