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I guess I can place my question overhere!? I want my old websitename to be replaced for the new one, but if I want to this in dmoz I can't so maybe someone who reads this can help!

My old sitename is <URL removed> and my new is <URL removed>

I am in 2 categories with it on dmoz and so I want them to go to <URL removed>


World: Français: Arts: Arts plastiques: Sculpture: Sculpteurs: Abstraction (1)

World: Nederlands: Kunst: Beeldhouwkunst: Beeldhouwers (1)


<Long story removed>


in November, your two listings were removed from the public side of our directory and marked for re-evaluation by a volunteer editor because the website was hijacked. I've added a note to our records pointing to the new URL. Some editor will make the changes in time but we can't predict when that might be.


This isn't a quality control issue - at least, not a DMOZ one. Our QC systems did exactly the right thing :). I'm moving this thread to a more appropriate forum.


Thank you mister.

Wwhat do you mean with: the site has been hijacked? How do you see this, how do you know this?


Appreciated your reply, thank you!


  • Meta

Hijacked normaly means that somebody has taken control over the domain name and has put a website online trying to profit from the old website's name and links.

It often happens when someone lets the domain expire.

Just take a look at your old domain name and check what is currently there as content,

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I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Thank you, I know what is under the old website, a f++king online casino :angry: . So hijacked sounds negative but is (as the domain expired) NOT illegal!?

I wrote in the article above that I made some mistakes, but from one on the other second I didn't "own" my site anymore. There was one or two days a picture on the side (a women with a rugsack, so an on-holdpage) and the 3th day there was this casino. I was NOT given any time to find out what happened and take action!!!!

And the worst thing is the new owner is a reseller-compagny (so NOT a private person), they want to sell the sitename back to me, only they paid 12 dollar for the name and they ask me 2500 for it. Even if I was richer than I am I don't want to play this dirty play. Afin,....


Thank you

:) david

Most domain name registrars send emails at least a month before a domain is due to expire. Emails aren't 100% reliable so it's sensible to set timely reminders in your diary too. If you use it, MS Outlook is good for this.

Thank you,

It is a little bit complicated: first the site was built 10 years ago, in the middle-ages of the internet! The friend who built it didn't give me the password or mailaddress the site was built with, so, in 10 years time this was never opened, not by me because I didn't know about its existence (and was not thinking too far about it), not by her because, she taught I had it.

3 years ago I put the inside of the site somewhere else (at jimdo), only the name stayed at yahoo. Before then I always paid yahoo with visa, automatically, so again not a lot of thinking to do. When the site went offline I was completely surprised, didn't understand what happened. Bon, it is a cold business, computers make the decisions, they could have double-checked it (when emails are never been opened they must have seen this, mails come back or whatever), my friend (who built the site) still has the same home address and the same phone number as 10 years ago!!!


Thanks for your remark


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