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Hello. I am Sergeev Constantine, also known as pogalik.


My problem is i can't log in with my username/password. And "password reminder form" thing don't work properly for me, too, because i can't receive a message from that. (My account's email is <email removed> for sure)

Well, i've being inactive for a long time because i lost Editor's privileges just for no reason. After that i wrote a PM to our local meta Editor - egood, but he didn't answer. I was just confused that this happened and i stopped trying retrieve my account.

So.. now i want to try again. I really can't understand why i lost my acc. I did a lot of changes in my Category http://www.dmoz.org/...нодарский_край/, especially http://www.dmoz.org/...край/Краснодар/. Created a bunch of sections, like http://www.dmoz.org/...ование/Среднее/, i knew this can be useful for people. Tried to help beginners on Editors forum. Followed the rules of DMOZ.

I have free time and i want to continue to help with developmental in my regional Category and whole DMOZ as much as i can.

Please don't ignore me and answer to me about your decision.


Best regards, >email removed>.

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