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Hello All , I submitted my site <url removed> months ago to DMOZ , I spend enough time reading the guidelines and did add it to the right category, but still can’t see my website added to the consultants category. I am ready to become an editor if that would help .

Is there someone who can really help?


  • Meta

> I am ready to become an editor if that would help .

No. it won't help. We do not accept people who are only interested in listing their own webiste


> Is there someone who can really help

I am afraid the answer is also No as we do not provide the kind of service you are requesting.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta

You can't. Only editors can add websites to the directory.

Everybody can suggest a website. Editors can use the pool of suggested websites to build the directory. But they are not obliged to use the pool, they can also serach for websites on other sources.

As a result time between suggestion and review can vary between a few days and several years,

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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