mrix Posted March 28, 2013 Posted March 28, 2013 Hello, I often read here you only need to add your website once for inclusion and no more as it will not help you. The thing is just say you did submit once but your listing was not successful because you did not submit correctly to the guidelines ? how would you know ? as editors never get in touch with you ? There must be so many quality sites that do not get listed because of their listing guild-lines and not that they are suitable / relevant etc ? I have submitted my site and never got listed, I cannot see any reason why it would not and can only think it maybe because I made some kind of mistake? does this mean I should never apply again ? When a DMOZ editor check`s your listing request could it not be possible they could send out a email to explain why the listing was not successful, just some form of template to save on time etc. Getting in the DMOZ can be very important for some people especially if you are a business like mine, my site is very relevant to my category and fairly unique also so I can only establish I made a possible mistake when listing? how would I ever know? Thanks all mrix
Meta pvgool Posted March 28, 2013 Meta Posted March 28, 2013 There are a lot of things that can be againts the guidelines when a website is suggested. But almost none will result in a rejection. * worng title - we will write a correct title * wrong description - we wil write a good description * suggested to the wrong category - we will send it to the right category there is only 1 thing that will get the website rejected * the website is of a type we do not want to list , and that is something you could have known before you suggested the webiste So if a website is suggested and not listed yet, and it also is not a type of website we won't list than it must be waiting review. Time bewteen suggetion and review can vary between a few days and several years. Suggesting a website more than once could result in a longer time between first suggestion and review. Suggesting a website many times (and I mean realy many) may result in a ban of the person and all of his websites. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
mrix Posted March 28, 2013 Author Posted March 28, 2013 Hello and a huge thanks for that very clear and informative response, I had it in my head you would get rejected if you had titled wrong, or the description was not quite up to scratch etc. Thanks for the reply, that`s all I really wanted to know. Very Best regards mrix
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