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Several weeks passed and i still not receive any response (yes or no) from my candidature

to become an Editor :(



Someone can check that it's correctly under process (and well received) or if i need to redo it ?


my login: goldorak1975


thanks !

It's awaiting evaluation. However, this category has a very big pool of websites awaiting evaluation, much of it spam. For this reason, it's unsuitable for a beginner. I've disposed of it for you.

big pool of websites ? hmmm i was thinking this was a small category ...

but it's good if their is a lot of websites awaiting for evaluation (in some way), because i m here to help no ? :)


below the categories i would like to become editor :


* http://www.dmoz.org/World/Français/Commerce_et_économie/Immobilier/Petites_annonces/

* http://www.dmoz.org/World/Français/Régional/Europe/France/Commerce_et_économie/Immobilier/Petites_annonces/

* http://www.dmoz.org/World/Français/Régional/Europe/France/Commerce_et_économie/Immobilier/Portails/

* http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/France/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/


with categories you thing i can apply ?

Of those, only World/Français/Régional/Europe/France/Commerce_et_économie/Immobilier/Portails is suitable for a new editor. Even that will be spam prone.
  • Meta

World: Français: Commerce et économie: Immobilier: Petites annonces

you have already been told this is not a good start for a new editor


has the same problem, I would not advise a new editor to apply for this category


seems to be less of a spam magnet, but I still would clasify it as a difficult category


easier, but limited in the numver of websites that can be listed, see its description http://www.dmoz.org/desc/Regional/Europe/France/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate


Real estate is one of the most difficult subjects in DMOZ as it atracts enormous amounts of spam. I would advise a different subject. Maybe your hometown.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Of those, only World/Français/Régional/Europe/France/Commerce_et_économie/Immobilier/Portails is suitable for a new editor. Even that will be spam prone.


Thanks Jim,


i just applied to this category !

i hope i will be accepted ...


I m not affraid about spam, i come here to help not to have nothing to do :)


Real estate is one of the most difficult subjects in DMOZ as it atracts enormous amounts of spam. I would advise a different subject. Maybe your hometown.


But i work in real estate, why i will apply in something where i have no knowledge or passion :(

the idea is that for my job, i always need to stay informed of new real estate websites where i can advertise.

so you understand why dmoz seam the perfect tools for me, and at the same time i will share all my work ... i like it :)

  • Meta
the idea is that for my job, i always need to stay informed of new real estate websites where i can advertise.

that kind of websites often are not the ones we are looking for in real estate

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


that kind of websites often are not the ones we are looking for in real estate


yes but i need to start somewhere :) actually their is only few real estate portails / websites / etc.. By few i mean only around max 100 serious websites this why i m a little "chocked" when you learn me that their is a lot of websites pending (we speak about 10 ? 100 ? 1000? 10000? of course review 10 or 100 websites is pretty fast, review 1000 or more take ... lot of time :) but i m sure if 1000 then it's surely 985 spam or no adequoate category website


i will see ... if i becone one day an editor off course :)

  • RZ Admin

The question is simply if imoogle is a "Portail Immobilier" - I'd say it is...

The sites in spammed areas take some time to review, and the results are usually less than satisfying, but if you are determined ;)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.




By the way, how many time it's take to receive an answer (negative or positive )?

I m still waiting my answer for the category World/Français/Régional/Europe/France/Commerce_et_économie/Immobilier/Portails :(

  • Meta
There is no specific time. We try to handle requests as soon as posisble. But we are still volunteers and sometimes we can not spend mauch time and sometimes we can spend a lot of time. It also depends on the language and type of category. Many meta editors understand English but there are languages with only a few meta's. Some subjects are easy to handle, others a difficult and not all meta's feel confortable with such subjects.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta
No. An application should be written in the language of the category the person is applying for. We need to establish that the candidate-editor is able to write in that language.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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