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Hello all,





The editor "pvgool" said this:


We will not comment on individual websites.


This lack of transparency is no good. Why not explain to a webmaster why he/she cannot list a website?


Even in the army we don't have this anymore "we dont discuss that or this"; there are ways too appeal decisions. So why, is this phylosophy allowed on DMOZ?


I want to inquire about the submission of a site to a certain category. I am 90% that the editor that did not allowed my website in the index has commited an abuse, but there is stil 10% chance that I am wrong. Why I am not allowed to talk about this in these forums?






You open the gates for abuse with this policy. I have yet to see a situation in which the lack of transparency does any good.


My website meets all the above requirements.

  • Meta

You seem to misunderstand DMOZ and how we operate.

People outside DMOZ can not submit a website for inclusion. They can only make a suggestion to the editors. They difference is that with suggestion they can expect some action and resposibility toward them by the editors. With suggestion they are only saying "he, I found this interesting website maybe you like it also". There is no responsibility from DMOZ or its editors towards the people who make the suggestions.

Editors are free to use the pool of suggestions. They can use it to build the categories. Or they can totaly ignore it and use other sources to find websites to inlcude.

Ofcourse editors are not totaly free to do what they personaly want, they have to follow the guidelines (which are open for everybody to read).

They are responsible towards the editor community for their actions. And this is checked by their fellow editors. Although we continously try to prevent abuse sometimes a bad person manages to get into DMOZ as an editor and tries to abuse the system. They never last long as they always will be spotted, sometimes with the help of people outside DMOZ. But remember that not processing suggested websites is not abuse.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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