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Good Afternoon!


I submitted a new application 7/31 to become an editor for a small category. The category currently advertises "Volunteer to edit" so is it safe to assume that the category might be "dormant"?


Category: Health: Medicine: Facilities: Hospice: North America: United States: Arizona (link)


Date of Application: 7/31/13

Editor Name: Michael Hunt

User ID: michaelh700

Email: (same as used to signup for this forum)


I did verify the email instantly. I understand it can take 3 min to 3 months for a response.


I'd appreciate any help or feedback you might have.


Thank you.

Yes you caught my error (I typoed the username on the original post). That is my application. Sorry if this message topic was posted too early (it's already 14 days where I am now). Thanks for checking and do you have any advice or updates at this time? Thanks for looking into it and for any assistance.

Hi Michael,


They just check that the app made it to the right place at this point. You will be sent an email when your app is evaluated.


It's just sit and wait time now (I'm in the same boat).... If you wait for many months and don't get an email, you might have them recheck - the first app response I received I overlooked when it came in! The reviewer included some notes on it so I kept those in mind when I reapplied.



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I know you mean well but Please no answers and tips from non-editors.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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