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Hi Jim,


I am Kees Kist and I have applied to become an editor for the category ..... Regional/Europe/Belgium/Travel_and_Tourism/ . I am eager to start but I get the message "User needs an email address verification before the user can login." . My application to become an editor was with the same mailadres and username I used to become a member of this forum. I applied about a week ago but did not receive the needed verification e-mail. Am I not being patient enough? :) . Hope you can help,



Thanks and looking forward to your reply,




It saves a lot of confusion if we have a thread per person so I've split the thread to give you your own.


Email verification messages are sent out almost immediately. Please check out your spam filters. If you can't find the message, whitelist all mail from the dmoz.org domain and start over. You won't be able to log on as an editor until your application has been received and you get an email saying it's been accepted.


Hi Jim,


thanks for your quick reply. I did not have the e-mail in my spam filter but to be sure I have now added the domain dmoz.org to the whitelist. What do you mean by "start over"? Fully do my application to becom an editor again? In other words, just fill out a totally new application form for the specific category?


thanks for the help,




Hi Jim,


my reply was not complete. sorry. Hereby the complete one:


thanks for your quick reply. I did not have the e-mail in my spam filter but to be sure I have now added the domain dmoz.org to the whitelist. However, I thought I used a wrong password and therefo could'nt log in. When I cahned the password I did receive an e-mail from staff-app@dmoz.org . I guess probably the acceptance e-mail would not be filtered by the spamfilter as well in that case. What do you mean by "start over"? Fully do my application to become an editor again? In other words, just fill out a totally new application form for the specific category? Couldn't ODP just resend the possible acceptance e-mail after (hopefully) accepting my application?


Thanks for the help, it's appreciated.



Couldn't ODP just resend the possible acceptance e-mail after (hopefully) accepting my application?


An application is invisible to us puny humans until the email address has been confirmed. We meta editors have no mechanism for resending the message - complete with its ID key. We don't even know what the key is!


I suppose it's possible for an AOL systems engineer to dig deep for the info but their resources are limited and unlikely to be spent recovering a situation that you can recover for yourself. I'm all for expedient solutions which is why I asked you to begin again.

  • RZ Admin
Hi, just to suggest that you try using a different email address if possible, as we've had sporadic non-delivery issues with microsoft mail services... :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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