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Posted (edited)



I'm a french young business executive, and I would like an editor DMOZ.ORG site may reference my website on the platform you are offering with talent and generosity. I need to boost the SEO of my website. <removed the specific URL>


Thank you very much.



Edited by mauri
  • Meta

We will never send an answer.

You will get a confirmation on screen after suggesting a website telling you the suggestion was received (or not when an error occurs)

We will not send any message when a website is listed (you can see yourself when this helsp)

nor when the suggested website is rejected a listing (the guidelines which sites will be rejected can be read by everyone and are very easy to unbderstand)


> I need to boost the SEO of my website

Then I advice you to do soem things that mill boost the seo.

DMOZ is not something that will be af great influence in that field.

It is just a link to your website with a very limited infleunce on seo.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta

From what we have seen most things SEO people write about DMOZ is total bogus.


> i want to believe that´s important

You are free to believe what you want.

Just remember that not everything your read on the web is true.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Meta

Certainly not.

There might be some influence of a DMPZ listing on SEO. But that influence is not the intention of DMOZ.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta

> I tried many times


Why? The DMOZ guidelines clearly state to suggest a website only ONCE to the ONE best category.

Any further suggestions can delay processing time and at worst would get a person/website banned. (the last does not happen often but when we get spammed with suggestions it might happen)

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Hi Pvgool.


>ONCE to the ONE best category.


So for example, if I submitted my website a couple of months ago, and have since then reworked parts of it in an attempt to meet DMOZ's guidelines, I still can't resubmit?

  • RZ Admin

The only instances I can think of where it might be possible to re-suggest a site are:

1/ A drastic change of content, ie. from a Fish Farm to Bicycle Spares

2/ A new domain name (replacing a lost domain name - with no redirect present, as we follow those)

3/ The site has been down for a considerable period of time, such as 3 months or more.

Just adding/removing content isn't enough to warrant it, as the editor reviews the site and makes any necessary corrections to the title/description/category.

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


I'd like to present my experience. It is not a criticism but just a consideration with the hope to receive your concrete help.


I have suggested my website to the category in which our competitor is listed (the style, the content and the articles presented into the website are similar but our shop exists from 1948, the competitor is much newer).


To notice:

- The description (unfortunately) is similar to that one and the website name is almost the same:only the extension changes (unfortunately!).

- I suggested the site to that directory but... nothing! The actual rank of the two website is almost the same and (but you can say if it is not true) the quality too.


After some months I went to re-submit the site because I thought that nobody watched the submission and then I requested to became an editor for the category because I tought that nobody was doing it (category"World: Italiano: Acquisti Online: Casa e Giardino: Casalinghi"). Maybe this was an error (I know that I don't need to become an editor in order to see my site listed) but was naivety, nothing else.


What I don't understand is why, regardless to the submitter (that may be banned or not), the website that seems to meet the requirements of DMOZ are not listed in any case once submitted. If this is not the case would be nice to receive a feedback if something is wrong.


Please, try to help me if possible.



  • Meta

> Maybe this was an error

Certainly not. Many editors do have websites themself. Nothing wrong with such a situation. But an editor should never favor his own website above others.


> why, regardless to the submitter (that may be banned or not), the website that seems to meet the requirements of DMOZ are not listed

Most probably because no editor has looked at the suggestion yet. We get enormous amounts of suggestions dayly and only have limited editor resources. Editors are volunteers who spend as much time as they personaly decide to spend and in categories they decide themself to work in. As a result some suggested websites will be looked at within a few days and others will have to wait several years.


> If this is not the case would be nice to receive a feedback if something is wrong.

The only thing that can be wrong is that the website is not listable at all. You can see which websites we do not list. It is specified in the guidelines (which you acknowledged to have read when you suggested the website). Any other small mistakes (like errors in title or description or chosing the wrong category) will be corrected by an editor. Not making such small mistakes can result in a faster processing of the suggestion but not in a rejection.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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