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My application for a new editor account at the Open Directory Project has been rejected because you believe I already have (or had in the past) another editor account. Unfortunately, I don't remember any other account or username, which I could use in the past. Could You please help me to reinstate that account.

I've applicated for category: http://www.dmoz.org/World/Polski/Regionalne/Europa/Polska/Mazowieckie/Miejscowo%C5%9Bci/Warszawa/Biznes/Handel/ (application username is vidi85).

Thanks for help,


  • Meta

In 2006 an editor from Poland was joined with exact the same real name as you using an email on the domain viscardi.info

And he mentioned some af the same affiliated websites as you did on your latest application.

Could that be you

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Hi, it was my father. He has the same first name as me and works in the same business. I have an e-mail on domain viscardi.co, he has on domain viscardi.info.

Info about affiliated websites must relate to their previous version.

  • Meta

OK please reapply and write a comment in the application telling us about your father being and editor before and having the same name.

As I am not able to read Polish I will not be able to process the application. The editors who are able to proces it need that info in the application as they will very probably not have read this forum.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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