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Hello everyone



I'm Trying to add our Website on dmoz since 2002 and from that time we didn't get any luck to be listed i have even registered in this forums hack in 2005 i think the forums was vbulletin that time before moving to XenForo the username still here i saw it but forget the password :D



Adding a website to dmoz has become almost impossible I know that it's not the only me who ask the same question, but there are hundreds


the one big issue after we submit a website we do not receive any feedback if it get accept or unaccepted and if unaccepted WHY at least this will help as to fix the issue if there is any wrong with the website etc so that we can improve our website


many people has became Victim to those people who act editors or who has friend editors or or or and i'm one of them it was in 2005 after I Quite


i have read many articles every time i enter the net how to add your website to dmoz which some say you have to became editors other wise impossible and many other there which really im very confuse


now my questions which i believe it has been asking thousand time


how can i add our website to dmoz if any dmoz editors can really suggestions to me and help me on this it is going to be appreciated after all this years of trying everything




  • Meta

> I'm Trying to add our Website on dmoz since 2002

That is impossible. People from the public can not add websites at all to DMOZ. DMOZ never had such a function. The only thing they can do is make a suggestion.


> Adding a website to dmoz has become almost impossible I know that it's not the only me who ask the same question, but there are hundreds

That is because people refuse to read and understand the answers given by editors over all those years.


> the one big issue after we submit a website we do not receive any feedback if it get accept or unaccepted

Correct and you never will get such a feedback as it is of total no use. Not for DMOZ and not for the person suggesting the website.

You get a reply (on screen) when the suggestion is succesfull

You can see if a website is listed by looking at DMOZ.

If the website is not listed it is either waiting review or is rejected.

You can know when a website will be rejected for listing by reading the guidelines at http://www.dmoz.org/docs/en/guidelines/include.html

So you can know the status of your suggestion by just looking at DMOZ and some simple reading. Very easy.


> and if unaccepted WHY at least this will help as to fix the issue if there is any wrong with the website etc so that we can improve our website

Websites that are rejected by our guidelines can not be improved to get listable. Because things that can be improved are not amongst the reasons for rejection.


> i have read many articles every time i enter the net how to add your website to dmoz

> which some say you have to became editors other wise impossible and many other there which really im very confuse

Stop believing all those articles. These people do not know what they are talking about.


> now my questions which i believe it has been asking thousand time

> how can i add our website to dmoz

You can't. If you suggested the website (which we ask to do only once) you have done all there is you have to do.

BTW suggesting a website more than once can result in a delay of the review proces. And if it is done in a spammy way it might result in a ban of the person and all his websites.


> if any dmoz editors can really suggestions to me and help me on this it is going to be appreciated after all this years of trying everything

Sorry. there is nothing we can do to help. Except trying to tell it again and again in the hope people will start to understand.

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I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • RZ Admin

Just to add - if it has been a really long time (pre-2006) since you suggested your site, by all means make a new suggestion, as we suffered a server crash with some data loss then.

It's also possible that the site was down for maintenance when an editor decided to review it, which can result in a delete.

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elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.



> if any dmoz editors can really suggestions to me and help me on this it is going to be appreciated after all this years of trying everything

Sorry. there is nothing we can do to help. Except trying to tell it again and again in the hope people will start to understand.



I would not comment on what is written all of the above, but only in the last paragraph just to make it very short and I will assure you that what I'm saying is correct.


first of all adding url to dmoz is not very hard as long as following the instructions such as selecting the section after you will suggestion URL and adding such title and descriptions etc and submit that all . if there is anything other then this im not aware please Tell me ?


just a basic descriptions of our website which it is all about wooden work such doors & cabinet etc and always we are selecting the Wooden Work Category


every time we are planning to submit our site on dmoz we make sure it is done from maintenance already so if the editors checked our website after 6 month for example the site is available and active which he will not find any massages under constrictions etc .


so at the moment Our site is currently under maintenance after completion I will send you the link and please take a minutes to review it and tell me it was worthy or not to be adding .. i will send you in private massages all the details the category will select the title i will add the descriptions together with the link after that i will add it .. and we will see the result



with regarding when i said we have trying to add our website since 2002 it dose not mean we are spamming daily i think from 2002 till 2005 when i register here in the forums it was 1 or 2 time and when i have registered here in the forums in 2005 after that it was also same 1 or 2 and just a few days ago dmoz come up into my mind to go back and try it may work this time :)



  • Meta
first of all adding url to dmoz is not very hard as long as following the instructions such as selecting the section after you will suggestion URL and adding such title and descriptions etc and submit that all . if there is anything other then this im not aware please Tell me ?

you are correct

select the best category for the website, write proper tiltle and descrption that is all you have to do

and than go and do other usefull stuff.

don't bother about when the website will be reviewed, even editors do not know when that will happen

there is no need to suggested the website more than once


i will send you in private massages

please don't , I will not look at the message and will not answer it

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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